How to end the love handles

The fat located in the belly region, the so-called love handles, bother women a lot. And the problem goes beyond an aesthetic concern. Visceral fat that inflates the belly is also associated with diseases that put women's health at risk, such as heart problems, diabetes, and can even get worse for cancer.

To end the love handles, you need to lead a healthier life, which includes reeducating eating habits, leaving sedentary lifestyle aside and in extreme cases resorting to aesthetic treatments.

Tummy dry food

Food rehabilitation is the key to losing weight and escaping the concertina effect. Having a healthy and balanced diet is the main way to avoid the love handles.

Adopt a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, cereals and avoid the excessive consumption of sugar and fat. Another tip is to complement your menu with six essential foods to fight the love handles:

  1. Green tea: Drinking up to three cups of green tea a day helps speed up metabolism by preventing the formation of love handles in the abdomen region.
  2. Yogurt: Yogurt is essential to dry the belly. A glass of yogurt a day helps combat localized fat and facilitates digestion through the good bacteria present in the beverage's composition.
  3. Chocolate milk: Yes, chocolate milk is good. If consumed without exaggeration, the drink can help to have a more defined belly, because it builds and strengthens the muscles of the body.
  4. Whole grains: They are essential to fight the love handles. Whole grains have fewer calories and more fiber, which makes digestion easier. Include whole grains in the form of cereal, in a mix of recipes such as bread, and replace plain rice with whole grain.
  5. Avocado: It has healthy fats that help fight the fat located at the waist. Include avocado in your vitamin menu, mixed with lemon and sugar or as guacamole.
  6. Ginger: Its consumption increases body temperature, requiring the body to spend more calories on digestion. Invest in ginger in drinks such as juices and teas or as seasonings in meats and salads. To prevent food and drink from getting too strong, use thin chips and a small amount of ginger.

Aesthetic treatments

In addition to good nutrition and physical exercise, aesthetic treatments are also effective in ending the love handles. Hydrolipo, vibrolipo, carboxotherapy and ultrasound hydrolipoclasia are plastic surgeries, as well as liposuction. These treatments give good results for those who want to stop sagging, especially in the waist region.

Hydrolipo, for example, is a version of liposuction in which saline is injected into fat cells, causing them to swell and rupture, eliminating those fat located at the waist that insist on not disappearing.

Physical exercises to eliminate the love handles

For a healthier life and fitness without unwanted love handles, exercise. Intense exercises, with fast repetition circuits and higher effort, have better results.

How to Get Rid of Love Handles (April 2024)

  • Body, Lose Belly
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