How to get out of an abusive relationship

Abusive relationships are more common than we think and many women end up suffering in silence, afraid of being alone or because they love these men too much. Learn how you can get rid of these unhealthy relationships and go around to get back to life and be happy.

1 ? Realize abusive behavior

Are not abusive relationships just violent relationships, but every relationship that involves some kind of abuse? be it physical, emotional or psychological. You do not have to wait for a black eye to realize that it is time to end this suffering.

Many women spend years in abusive relationships, believing an hour will pass, but in fact their partner's behavior always stays the same. One day he curses her, the next he says she is good for nothing, and so on, destroying the self-esteem of someone who probably no longer has very good self-esteem.

Over time, some women get used to this situation and do not realize that being used to abuse can lead to serious psychological problems. So even if the abuse is just? verbal, it is important to keep an eye on and not allow room for abusive attitudes to recur.

Find out if he is an abusive man by checking if he has most of these attitudes:

  • He was once abusive to other people;
  • He is very jealous and possessive;
  • He so manipulate you and control your life;
  • He punishes you for things you do by depriving you of something you enjoy;
  • He feels superior to you and / or others;
  • He changes his mood abruptly;
  • He is aggressive and impatient in everyday situations;
  • He says one thing but does another;
  • It disrespects other women, such as their own mother, for example;
  • Refuses to seek help or even touches on it.

Men like this need help, and rarely are they able to change their love for their partner. This behavior is like a disease and should be treated as it is very difficult to change these attitudes alone. If he is unwilling to treat and change, perhaps the best way is to leave him.

2 ? Seek help

Once a woman has realized that she is in an abusive relationship, she should seek help from others to get support and get out of it and get back on her feet. This woman may start sharing events with friends or family, or seek out a psychologist.

In such cases, it is important to remember that you should not face this situation entirely alone. Depending on the type of abuse, it can be dangerous to try to solve the problem without help from others. So it's worth seeking help.

3? Be cautious

It is essential to be very careful that the perpetrator does not realize that the woman wants to leave him, as this could cause a crisis in him and cause him to attack her or cause him some other harm. Therefore, if the partner tends to be aggressive or out of control, it is best to prepare for separation without knowing it.

4? Invest in your self esteem

For a woman to get rid of an abusive relationship, she needs to be strong and confident about herself. Therefore, she must first battle for the recovery of her self-esteem that has been undermined by the continuing abuse in this relationship.

The first step is to stop taking your partner's criticism seriously. In this way, the woman prevents him from destroying her image of herself. That done, she should seek to value herself, realizing her qualities and her positive attributes. You should not refuse compliments and should always think about yourself in a positive way.

5? Break up the relationship

This is perhaps the most difficult step, but it is also the most liberating. You don't have to wait and feel nothing for him to finish. Loving your partner does not necessarily mean that he is doing you good or making you happy. And even if he loves you, that doesn't guarantee that he will change and be kinder to you in a month or ten years.

Therefore, get rid of this relationship as soon as you realize that it is strong and strong enough to withstand the separation and possible conflicts it will bring. Think that in the end this could be the lifeline of your life and you can have a much happier, more enjoyable future without insults or aggression.

Love your life and love yourself. That way you will be able to discern what is good for you and what is bad for you and make the right choices for your happiness and well-being.

What you MUST do to LEAVE an Emotionally Abusive Relationship | Stephanie Lyn Coaching (April 2024)

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