How to have a sustainable home

One of the easiest ways to help conserve natural resources and lessen the impact that modern habits have on the environment is by taking care of small details indoors.

Do we know that if each one does a little, does their part? even if it seems insignificant? These small attitudes will make a difference. This is why we teach you how to make your home an environmentally friendly home where everyone contributes as they can.

One of the basic principles to follow so that your home does not negatively impact the environment is to always stick to the "reduce, reuse, recycle" rule.

1. Reduce

The first step that homeowners must take to contribute to the preservation of natural resources is the economy. Saving water and electricity already means a major contribution to the environment.

Take less time-consuming showers and turn off the power of the shower on hot days. Enjoy the daylight and dim the light bulbs around the house. Do not waste drinking water to wash sidewalks. Avoid opening the refrigerator at all times and make sure it is not opening even when you close it.

Also be careful not to waste water when washing clothes in the dishwasher and washing dishes? either by hand or in the dishwasher.

Also prefer the least energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances. In the packaging of these products you can check your level of electricity consumption, and the products classified as? Are they the most economical? therefore, they are indicated.

Another way to reduce energy and water costs is by using alternative methods. You can adapt your home to store rainwater and you can opt for solar power at home, so you save even more.

2. Reuse

Just as you can reuse rainwater, you can do the same with plastics, Styrofoam, and other waste products that will take many years to decompose. Reuse these objects for other uses or donate to recycling cooperatives.

Another idea is to always use the same bags to buy the market, so you avoid the accumulation of bags at home and scattered around the garbage and the streets.

Invest in sturdy bags, because even if they cost a little more, at least you can use them longer and will be contributing to the preservation of the environment. Remember, all you can reuse is something that will not go to waste and so you will be helping to reduce the amount of waste disposed of in the environment.

3. Recycle

Sort out the trash in your home and recycle whatever you can. In most cities there are collection centers and trucks that pass through neighborhoods collecting recyclable waste.

The initiative to separate waste and take it to recycling not only helps to reduce waste disposed of in the environment, but also helps families who depend on collecting recyclables to make a living.

Taking these attitudes and making your family members aware makes your home a sustainable environment and contributes to the preservation of natural resources. So is it worth starting now? even if you start with small attitudes.

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