How to make the chuca? Sexologist guides and questions on the subject

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The chuca is a routine subject for those who practice or want to have anal sex, especially for those who worry about possible unpleasant surprises. Although popular, chuca is not always a carefully treated practice. There are several ways to do it, and some are not always the best for health.

In addition, there are many questions surrounding this practice, and getting informed is the best recipe to ensure it is effective. Therefore, we invite sexologist Alyne Meirelles to help us solve the issues surrounding the topic and to indicate the best way to practice it. But first, let's understand what the chuca consists of?

Content Index:

  • Which is
  • Sexologist explains doubts
  • Safe Methods
  • Not recommended methods

What is chuca

Chuca, a slang term for the term enema, is a technique for cleansing the anal region that was originally designed to help people with bowel problems. It consists of introducing water into the anus canal and is therefore also called a shower.

Sexologist explains doubts about the chuca

The chuca is the subject of many medical discussions and also popular subject for those who practice anal sex. To help answer questions and controversies on the topic, we spoke with sexologist Alyne Meirelles. Follow below:

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What are the health risks of chuca?

The sexologist explains that the hair can disrupt the functioning of the intestine and intestinal flora, because the water jet goes far beyond the rectum canal, making a much deeper and unnecessary cleaning for anal sex. In addition, it can damage the mucosa of the region because not all methods are safe or appropriate for practice.

She stresses that the constant practice of chuca can bring health complications, and it should be clear, “not everyone knows the risks and being aware of them is extremely necessary to make healthy choices. ? complete.

Is chuca really necessary?

According to the sexologist, if the person has a good diet, eats a lot of fiber and has a good bowel function, it is very difficult to have any remnants of feces in the rectal canal. As such, she says no hair is needed unless you have a problem with bowel movements or in medical cases where enema is recommended.

How to cook safely?

In order to make the hair safely, the sexologist recommends not sharing equipment because of the risk of contamination and always taking care not to hurt the anal mucosa. In addition, the water pressure must not be strong and its temperature must be ambient.

How often is it recommended to cook?

If the hair is done before every act, and the practice of anal sex is constant, over time this can cause serious damage to health. There is no rule or safe medical data that states how often you can make a mistake. According to Alyne, what is known for certain is that when people do it very often, they often have problems with bowel function.

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Is laxative recommended?

The professional is emphatic in saying that laxatives, glycerin suppositories or variants are not recommended. Using these products will stimulate your body to do something that is not normal. The enema was not made with anal sex, but with the intestinal lavage of people with health problems. Laxatives and suppositories should not be trivialized because they force the body beyond necessary.

I can see that the subject is not a joke and should be treated very seriously, right? To help, Alyne explained to us some methods for making the chuca. Check it out below:

Safe Methods for Making the Chuca

If you know all the risks and still want to do it responsibly, Alyne explains two methods that can be safer. Check out:

Small and disposable enemas

The sexologist recommends the purchase of smaller enemas without much pressure and disposable. You can find these outfits in a sex shop.

  • Fill the shower? with water at room temperature. No hot water as it can cause burns.
  • Spread lubricant at the anus inlet.
  • Insert the enema shower carefully.
  • Squeeze the shower and stand near a toilet to let the water drain.

If the first jet already clears water, the sexologist stresses that you should stop there. If not, repeat the procedure a maximum of three times.

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Bath cleaning

For the sexologist, bath hygiene is more than enough. After evacuating, you will do the following:

  • Take a shower normally. Wash your genitals as usual;
  • At the end, lather a finger and gently insert it into the anal region;
  • Move your finger to do the cleaning.

Alyne explains that it is not necessary to place the finger very deeply, as the cleansing should only be in the rectal canal. Be sure to sanitize your finger before placing it inside the anus.

Now that you know how to safely make your hair, your health is grateful and even anal sex can be better. Still, it is good to understand why such popular methods as the showerhead are not indicated. Let's find out?

Methods not recommended for making the chuca

Although popular, some methods can pose serious health risks. Check out the sexologist's explanation and understand each one:

Bathroom shower

Despite being the most traditional method, the sexologist does not recommend using the bathroom shower for cleaning, as it is a huge contamination route. As much as you clean it, the bacteria and dirt stay there, at the risk of getting contaminated several times and even contaminating other people using the same shower.

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In addition, the showerhead is likely to hurt you because it is a hard material. Therefore, Alyne emphasizes: "completely discard this possibility."

Glycerin Laxatives or Suppository

As explained earlier, glycerine laxatives and suppositories are not made for the practice of chuca. Therefore, it is always good to reinforce: If you do not have diseases that require the use of these medicines, do not use them!

Pet bottle bottle

If using the bathroom shower can already cause injury, imagine with a pet bottle? In addition to being extremely unhygienic, the bottle can injure the anal region because it is a hard plastic material. Avoid it!

As you can see, the best method is not always the most popular. It is important to understand the best way to make your hair to ensure your health and that of your partner.

After all this information, you can no longer risk unsafe drinking. If you feel the need to do the procedure, make sure you are following the most appropriate methods. If you have questions or complications, consult a doctor.

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