How to quit smoking

Nowadays, the harms of cigarettes to beauty and, above all, to health are already known and much discussed. However, some people still struggle to get rid of this addiction so harmful to their lives. After all, besides causing damage to health, cigarettes can also cause social problems, because nowadays cigarettes are no longer seen as beautiful, but as wrong.

End the cigarette addiction It can be quite difficult and require a lot of willpower, but the benefits are commensurate with this difficulty and begin as soon as the person stops smoking. In view of this, we have selected some suggestions to help those who want to eliminate cigarette from your life.

The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking

Among the advantages of end cigarette addictionOne of these is the decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, which occurs approximately twenty minutes after you quit smoking.

There are also long term benefits for those who decide to quit smoking altogether. It is estimated that between 48 and 72 hours after quit smoking, your body begins to improve some extremely important functions for your body, such as respiratory function and tissue oxygenation.

Research shows that after ten years without a cigarette, the risk of cancer also decreases. After about twenty years, the cigarette damage can be so minimal that they become almost imperceptible. However, these results may vary from person to person, depending on how much the person smoked per day and how many years he sustained this addiction.

How to quit smoking

There are currently several drug treatments available for the elimination of smokingBut often a product just can't solve the problem. In such cases, the specialist in charge may suggest a combination of therapies for the smoker to be able to get rid of the addiction without further suffering, gradually eliminating it.

Like the act of smoking stimulates pleasure regions in the brainIt is very common for a person to want to smoke when in a difficult or stressful situation. In this sense, it is interesting to seek psychological treatment. It is possible that by solving the psychological problem, be it stress or anxiety, the smoker can get rid of the addiction.

One of ways to stop smoking is to control the consequences of nicotine withdrawal. When a person stops smoking, he suffers from the lack of this substance in the body and this generates some very unpleasant sensations. In such cases the therapeutic nicotine patches or nicotine chewing gums can be great allies as they release only nicotine and are less harmful than cigarettes.

Other forms of eliminate cigarette addiction include non-nicotine drug treatments such as antidepressant bupropion and the antihypertensive varenicline. Since the varenicline It is the strongest and most effective among them, but may not yet be enough for someone who smokes heavily.

How to deal with the urge to smoke?

Check out some tips for doing well when you have that strong urge to smoke:

  • Practice deep breathing during withdrawal attacks;
  • Drink lots of water, especially when you are in a nicotine withdrawal crisis;
  • Always keep something around so you can chew when you feel like smoking. It can be a gum without sugar, candy or dried fruit;
  • Distract yourself with objects you can handle not to miss the cigarette in the hands. Simple objects such as a pen, hair band or magic cube can be great allies;
  • Exercise regularly and enjoy walking, even around the court where you live, to be distracted;
  • Take away the thoughts that make you want to smoke, prefer to think of something pleasurable, such as a song or movie you like;
  • Avoid the habits that are associated with cigarette addiction. For example, if you smoke while having coffee, avoid coffee when you are starting to quit;
  • If you live with people who smoke and cannot walk away from them for a while, do not stay close when they are smoking.

With these tips it is possible to stop smoking, but it is necessary to be quite determined for that. Remember that you can seek medical advice and seek help to cure this addiction. Have willpower and you will be able to quit this habit.

7 ways to get past nicotine cravings (April 2024)

  • Quit Smoking, Prevention & Treatment
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