How to remove stains from the box

The housekeeper knows that the bathroom must always be clean and spotless. Cleaning it up may not be easy, but nothing like a few tricks to save your time and ease the task.

For bathroom cleaning to be complete, special attention must be paid to boxing. Glass and acrylic are the most commonly used materials for pit doors and require different care in cleaning.

The ideal would be to dry the boxing immediately after the shower, since contact with shampoos, creams, soaps and other products used, besides the natural oiliness of the human body, end up causing stains.

However, as this is virtually impossible, it is best to bet on some tips that make boxing cleaning more effective.

Glass boxing

The first tip on how to clean glass boxing is to not use acid products with chlorine or bleach. Try removing stains with the double soapy water, but if not enough, bet on warm water with white vinegar. Use a soft sponge to rub the mixture and then dry the glass with a clean soft cloth.

Another surefire recipe is to mix detergent with alcohol. To use it, you first need to pour hot water on the spot and then, with a sponge, apply the mixture. Then just rinse with cold water and let it dry naturally.

For stains that form on the underside of the glass and have a greasy appearance, you must first use soap or detergent and a product that removes accumulated dirt, which may be alcohol or glass cleaner.

Acrylic boxing

The tips on how to clean acrylic boxing are simpler. Ideally, use a clean cloth soaked in soapy water or neutral detergent and then rinse. Stains of soap and grease can be removed by mixing a cup of softener in warm water.

Never use abrasive sponges, steel wool or mineral solvents such as alcohol, kerosene, thinner to avoid damaging the material.

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