I identified myself: 10 bloggers who are people like us

There are those who think their lives are easy and pure glamor, but also those who do not miss a blog post, are loyal followers and have a shortlist of favorite blogs.

The truth is that bloggers are also people like us and most work hard to produce cool content. Regardless of fame or not, they are always after news to share.

What many people do not know is the work that goes after a cool and differentiated content, because the blog is not always just look of the day. Subjects range from fashion and beauty to incredible travel tips and recipes. Not everything is glamor of course, there is photo to take, image editing, video editing and a lot of creativity to make everything always flawless.

There are many bloggers that deserve attention for producing interesting content and doing a job well done, so we separated some that are worth knowing, follow and not miss any blog post.

1. Carla Lemos

Carla is one of those people that just looking at you already feels a good energy, gives that raised in the astral and you surely want to sit and talk with her. She has a unique style, full of attitude and personality, and always has that smile on her face. Carla runs Modices, a fashion and beauty blog, but always focusing on valuing her own style, fashion with more awareness and representation. Reasons abound to follow the blogger!

Read also: 10 beauty bloggers to start following today

2. Camila Rech

Camila is a gaucho, student of design and is the cuteness in the form of a person. The pink hair is his trademark, besides the modern style, cute and with attitude. In the blog, Little Boys of Life, she talks a little about everything: fashion, beauty, teaches some recipes, gives book tips and also talks about decoration. The blogger caprices in photos, blog layout and videos, you see that everything is done with great care and dedication. The blog is one of those who spend hours watching all the photos and finding everything beautiful, worth the visit.

3. Roman Ju

"A chubby girl with short legs and long lashes," as she defines herself. Ju Romano is a plus size blogger that oozes friendliness, authenticity and style. She's one of those people you want to be friends with, so high-spirited she is. In the blog you will find posts about fashion, beauty, hair and also texts about women's behavior today. Ju talks a lot about self-love and self-acceptance, there is no way not to identify and love.

4. Evelyn Regly

Evelyn is a carioca from the gem and a blogger beyond extrovert. The blogger is a total of people like us: she talks about controversial subjects, makes outbursts, discusses everyday issues, and of course, makes beautiful looks of the day and also speaks of beauty. It is impossible to watch a video of the blogger and not laugh, you want to spend hours watching everyone. You can now save her blog, It's Babado !, in your favorite list that has no error!

5. Rayza Nicácio

Owner of an incredible beauty, Rayza conveys a peace and calm just looking at her. The blogger is also from the self-acceptance team and super in favor of taking care of the beauty inside and out. Rayza is an advocate of the original identity of curly / curly hair, a fan of minimalist style and rocking daily productions. On her blog and youtube channel you will find many beauty and lifestyle tips.

6. Joana Moura

Joana Moura or Jojo, for the intimate, is the name behind One Year Without Zara. Joana created the blog with the intention of spending a year without buying clothes, accessories, nothing. As time went by, she kept her promise and continued with the blog, which talks about everyday fashion, creative and conscious fashion. In addition to beauty posts, finds from the world of fashion, decoration and travel. Surely another blog to bookmark.

Also read: 15 stylish French women to follow on Instagram

7. Carol Burgo

Carol is from Recife, has lived in Portugal and today lives in Rio de Janeiro. With a slight smile and a unique style she is the author of Carol Burgo. The blogger's proposal is to get out of the ordinary and find different ways to wear the same clothes. Besides the amazing looks, the blog also has personal texts and travel tips. And the blogger doesn't stop there, Carol is also the owner and print designer of Prosa, a store full of beautiful clothes. You can run now to be inspired by her looks!

8. Melina Souza

Melina is that kind of person you want to keep in such a cute little pot. She has a delicate, light and romantic style, and it's all conveyed on her blog, Serendipity. Melina is a book lover, on the blog you find several reading tips, is passionate about music and photography.If this is not enough for you to get to know her blog, she also gives travel tips!

9. Isadora Ribeiro

Isa is that person who spreads love everywhere. She enjoys being close to nature, is a photographer and writes beautiful texts about life, everyday life and love. The blog, Na Nossa Vida, is made by her, but you will always see also her two mutts and her boyfriend there, they are a beautiful family! Isa also loves sharing delicious recipes and is always getting her hands dirty and doing beautiful things at her place.

10. Ana Loureiro

Ana is a businesswoman and a doer, as she says. The blogger has a basic style, but with a modern footprint. In the blog, Modacustom, you will find looks of the day, some beauty tips and lots of decoration tips and customization ideas. It's so beautiful that she teaches you how to do it, from antique book light to fabric chandelier, that you will want to spend hours and hours on the blog.

It's always nice to meet new people, with different proposals and styles. We always end up learning something new, reading amazing texts and identifying with that person's lifestyle. You can now update your list of favorite blogs!

Also read: 28 fashion and beauty bloggers you need to follow on Snapchat

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