Identifying self-sabotaging behaviors

We live in a real world, and being real people is impossible to reap mathematical results, because our body, our desire, does not work that way. In this immediate movement we live in, we often force ourselves to stop eating and wait for a weight loss significant, because only in this way do we feel fulfilled. Very often still frustrated, as if we should lose much more than our body could support.

We do not accept the idea of ​​healthy loss, where we need to get involved in the process actively frightens us, as we deal with our helplessness, the fear of not being able to cope, of facing successes and mistakes, but what is important is our ability to stand up and move on. .

Many people see falling as abandoning the goal, but we can view it as a new weight loss cycle. What we despise is our learning, for if we know that a particular situation or food causes us to lose control and stumble, why not avoid it?

In this way sabotage is present, and we use it whenever it suits us. So when we fell, we lay on the ground, sprawled, smeared with calories, deep in sadness and guilt.

Trying to change focus is essential, because we fall, and we must get up and follow another path. Are there ways in our lives that make us feel safe where our self esteem gets stronger, and so we opted for a healthier diet and lifestyle.

Here are some tips that lead to sabotage:

Daily weighing can have the opposite effect instead of helping you lose weight. We have to consider how much fluid we eat during the day whether or not it is close to the menstrual cycle, how well our bowels are doing, the weight of the food we eat. Finally, there are many possibilities that will be regulating our daily weight, being useless to submit to this stress. This will only increase anxiety and hence the urge to eat more.

The habit of pinching food during meal preparation can greatly increase your body weight. Anyone who eats small portions of food several times a day compromises satiety, for those who have this behavior are never hungry enough to eat a meal, nor are they totally starving to refuse the famous goodies.

This dietary model generates a chronic lack of satiety and the ingestion of large volumes of small portions of food, which when added together result in much more calories than is eaten in conventional and adequate meals.

Many people report that they do not realize how much they ate during the day, eating distractedly. This form of nourishment is actually a partnership with sabotage, because when they get out of the process, the guilt disappears, and then relieved of the burden of guilt for what they ingested in excess.

An effective way to resolve this situation and not fool yourself is by doing the food diarybecause it will record everything you have ingested during the day and can see concretely where the mistakes are made. It is worth buying a notebook to carry in the bag (next to a pen), making this accessory an ally in your weight loss.

Take care of the diet during and the week and weekend I will release? Who has not lived or thought this way at some point in your weight loss process? This is one of the most common mistakes in dietary reeducation. THE healthy eating it must be continuous, and when we aim for weight loss there we must face the basic rule. Eating properly every day, respecting the quality and variety of foods, and the interval every three hours is critical to weight loss.

This is not to say that we cannot afford a dessert, or a pastry that it enjoys, only that it should not release general, because what is lost during the week recovers in a weekend quickly, bringing down its process of re-education.

This fasting story, contrary to popular belief, slows down the metabolism, slows down functions, our intestines get stuck, and a number of nutritional deficiencies.

Since no one can fast for long, as hunger gradually increases, the body will demand compensation after a long period of deprivation and will take advantage of all that has been lacking so far to replace your losses, which means you will gain weight. The body that has learned to live with very few calories will store everything else and store that excess in the form of fat.

Using laxatives, diuretics and even self-induced vomiting is risky and ineffective in weight loss.We often realize that the subject believes that he can eliminate all the food he eats using these methods, and he uses purging as a way of compensating, as if this behavior were to eliminate not only the large amount of calories he had ingested, but also to reduce his calorie intake. fault.

This cycle becomes routine, and when the subject proposes to break with these behaviors, they become frustrated, feel humiliated and eventually restart the bulimic cycle, thus establishing a disease that requires psychiatric, psychological and nutritional treatment.

What Is Self-Sabotage & How To Know If You're Doing It (April 2024)

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