Infant snoring and its consequences

Sleep disorders are severe and should be treated carefully at any age, but when they are detected in children, the consequences can be determinant in their development.


O infant snoring can be caused by numerous factors. Of these, the main ones are tonsil hypertrophy, aggravation of adenoid, septum deviation (malformation in the internal canal of the nose) and various allergies. In addition, the use of a pacifier or finger sucking may alter the dental arch, causing snoring.


Since the child generally does not associate tiredness with problems at night, parents need to be aware of the signs. If your child has a heavy breathing rhythm while sleeping, he or she may not be resting properly. To snore It is natural, especially when the child is more tired. However, if this situation recurs frequently, it is advisable to seek expert advice.


Snoring can lead to drop in school performance and problems in child development, as it impairs the ability to absorb information attributed to long periods of time. poor sleep quality. Experts ensure that snoring can also lead to behavioral disorders such as aggression and mood swings.

Parents often confuse snoring with deep sleep, and end up thinking the child is resting well. According to dentist Rejane Silveira Franco, “this is not really what is happening. While the child is snoring and having difficulty breathing properly, rest is compromised as well as retention of information learned throughout the day. Can the consequences be mood swings, irritability, hyperactivity, tiredness for no apparent reason, dental arch problems and even craniofacial formation?

Other snoring consequence And the lack of adequate rest is obesity. Since at night the body cannot replenish all the energies it needs, the child ends up overeating in an unconscious attempt to look for other sources of energy.

How to treat

The experts responsible for detecting the sleep disorders in children they are the pediatrician and the otolaryngologist. If parents notice any symptoms, the first thing to do is to look for either. The treatment, however, may involve professionals from other areas, such as dentists and speech therapists.

The diagnosis is made through an exam called nasolaryngofibroscopywhere a camera is introduced through the nose to identify the causes of snoring. Although the opposite seems to be the case, the exam is painless and totally effective.

According to Rejane, the first symptoms to be treated should be adenoid, tonsil problems and obesity. Later will come treatment against possible allergies. Food and exercise are also among the recommendations.

Watch out for your child. Assuring him of quality sleep avoids a number of negative consequences on his development.

Cute baby snoring. (April 2024)

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