Investment Clubs

Women are increasingly interested in business, and consequently, more Brazilian women are taking the initiative to stock market.

As this area is still new to the female world, some women choose investment clubs to learn how to handle this type of investment and then be able to manage your finances more independently. Most interestingly, there are specific investment clubs for women.

How Investment Clubs Work

The investment club is a group of people who come together to invest in shares of Brazilian companies, and then become members of these companies.

For start investing, you need to gather at least three people and get an administrator. The administrator may be a stockbroker, a securities dealer or a bank. Investment clubs must also have a charter to regulate their activity.

The club administrator shall take care of the documents and records needed to open the club, as well as manage the Stock Portfolio. The choice of investments to be made can be made by the investment club manager and the investment club manager will be accountable for the results these applications are having.

Investment clubs must follow the standards, rules and restrictions proposed by the BM & FBOVESPA to ensure its operation in accordance with the law. Therefore, it is important to consult with a broker or your bank's investment industry before setting up your club.

The maximum number of club members is fifty, and no single participant can have more than 40% of the total membership. Quotas represent the division of money the club has to invest.

The BM & FBOVESPA portal has detailed information on the investment and brokerage clubs available to manage your club.

Besides being a great alternative for those who are starting to invest in stocks, are also a good opportunity for those who want to start by applying lower values. It could also be your chance to get your friends together and come together for their finances.

Minority Report | Learn How to Start a Successful Investment Club (March 2024)

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