It's possible to lose weight with sex and laughter, says research

Regular physical activity and a balanced diet are essential for those who want to lose weight. But they are not the only factors that influence the diet. According to one study, laughing and having sex are also allies of weight loss.

Laughter experts Lee S. Berk and Stanley Tan have found that laughter helps to maximize many functions of various body systems, optimize endocrine hormones, and lower cortisol and adrenaline levels, all of which lead to stress reduction. . Laughter causes the body to respond in a similar way to physical exercise. It improves mood, increases immune activity, lowers bad cholesterol (LDL), low blood pressure, and raises good cholesterol (HDL).

Much like laughter, sex also has health benefits, including longer life expectancy, better vascular health, more pain tolerance, and lower rate of depression. And it burns more calories than aerobic exercise. According to Forbes magazine, having sex twice a week for a year burns the equivalent of seven heavy-duty dinners.

Sex is therefore a great exercise. And the more exercise you do, the better your sex life gets. It is a virtuous cycle of great pleasure.

Weird Ways to Burn 200 Calories (April 2024)

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