Keep a food diary to lose weight

Food diets, when well balanced and properly combined with the practice of some kind of physical activity, can be used by nutritionists and even endocrinologists in order to achieve positive results for the patient. These results may or may not be related to fitness.

Patients suffering from diabetes, for example, need to undergo a diet that contains in your schedule a low intake of sugars in general. Despite medical recommendations, some women eventually adhere to strict and often potentially dangerous health diets, only to achieve the body they consider perfect.

Most of these diets are not based on scientific or medical research, but only on common sense and dietary concepts that are not always true. There are, however, alternatives to lose weight without endangering health.

One such scientifically proven alternative is to keep a detailed journal of the foods you eat throughout the day. This way you can control the amount of calories you eat and better balance your meals to strike a balance between healthy and "lean" foods. To adhere to this practice, follow the tips.

Set up a table

Prepare a weekly table and write it down in a notebook. Each page should contain the table for one week. This table should be divided by day and by meal, including snacks between main meals and with a space for time-keeping.

Jot down everything on time

Do not wait until the end of the day to write down what you have eaten. The tendency is that you forget or? Skip? foods such as candies, candies and other snacks eaten during the work or study period, for example, if not write down when you consume them To avoid sabotaging the legitimacy of the information, try to write down the food and calories ingested as soon as you finish eating.

Do not lie

Although tempting, the idea of ​​not registering the? Escapades? What you give is counterproductive because it creates in the long run the feeling that you are eating properly when you are not. The idea of food diary It is exactly putting on paper the calories that need to be cut from your daily life so that you can see them more easily. Lying or hiding information impairs the progress of the diet.

It takes about 21 days for humans to get used to a new habit. Even if you forget to take notes in the beginning or end up incorrectly in the beginning, invest in dietary reeducation and stick to the purpose until it becomes a natural practice.

Mayo Clinic Minute: Lose weight with a food diary (April 2024)

  • Diet, Fitness, Diets, Losing Weight
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