Kim Kardashian Does New Blood Treatment

The program? Kourtney and Kim Take Miami? aired this Sunday in the US, as usual, but with a scene that at least puzzled fans. Kim Kardashian, adept at life without plastic surgery, but who, like all women, likes to always look young and full of life, has decided to try a new aesthetic treatment based on nothing more than blood nicknamed Facial Vampire.

If you were wondering how disgusting it was, calm down, the treatment uses the person's own blood (about 10ml) and it is placed on a platelet-rich plasma separator, and then the material is applied at various points. of the face. Since platelets and their accompanying material are repairing, the process can replace plastic surgery less invasively and more safely, since the applied content already belongs to the patient, making rejections impossible.

Applications have already arrived in Brazil, and for now they are made in a clinic in Rio de Janeiro, by plastic surgeon Miguel Sorrentino, a full member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery. The technique came from sports tracking, and now migrates to aesthetics, although not yet approved by the SBCD (Brazilian Society of Dermatological Surgery) for not having a broad, scientific and national evidence of effectiveness.

In addition to minimizing the effects of age, the process also fills places like cheekbones, and softens and makes features more uniform. Application requires rest later, but within a few days you can get back to normal. The process is indicated for those over 30 years, and a blood count is required before the procedure, because in case of blood changes, use of anticoagulant drugs and infections is not recommended treatment. Results begin to appear 15 days after the first session, as the skin begins to restore where the plasma was applied, each costing an average of $ 1,000.

And what did you think? Would they do this treatment?


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