Know the dangers of the concertina effect and know how to avoid it

You were crazy about losing weight, so you closed your mouth drastically, cut a lot of food, wanted to do a lot of things, but lost a lot of weight. And it was pretty fast, until.

So you celebrate eating a candy here, a soda there and a lot of fried foods? What happens? Does the weight come back with everything? and if you fool yourself, you get a few extra pounds.

The name of this we all know: concertina effect. What few people know is that this has several serious consequences for their health.

Why is the concertina effect harmful?

Living on this weight seesaw causes a lot of confusion throughout your body, which needs food balance and a diet full of complex vitamins, fiber and carbohydrates (the famous wholegrain) and lean proteins (fish and chicken). If the body is not in this harmony, the effects may be as follows:

The skin suffers too much because it first stretches when you get fat, which can cause stretch marks as the collagen and elastin fibers break. Cellulite is another that appears quickly when fat cells multiply in your body. Then, when you lose weight, you get sagging skin, because the weight loss in the concertina effect is fast and without physical exercises that prevent sagging. Result: saggy skin, full of cellulite and stria. To recover from this, it takes time, diet, sport and various treatments that soften stretch marks, sagging and cellulite.

Getting too much fat has consequences such as high cholesterol and the possibility of developing diabetes. With this, the heart suffers and the circulation worsens. Not to mention that your immune system weakens and you can get sick more easily.

This drastic change in weight also weakens their self-esteem, many people develop binge eating, even, and lose the desire to take care of themselves.

How to avoid the concertina effect?

Being healthy is the beginning of everything. But if you feel you have the problem, the first step is to consult with a dietitian to learn how to eat and a general practitioner who will ask you for various tests and check how your health is doing. After that, follow my advice:

  • Eat right. Have a good breakfast (with fruits, yogurt or skim milk and whole grain bread), lunch and dinner, always giving priority to vegetables and lean meats with brown rice. Among these larger meals, snack every three hours. Choose fruit, cereal bars, white cheese or whole wheat cracker, okay? So you are not tempted to devour chocolates, stuffed crackers and so on!
  • Work out. At least three times a week. Our body is not programmed to just sit or lie on the couch (as much as it feels like!), It wants and needs movement. When you don't work out and lose weight, you don't lose fat, but you lose lean mass, which is responsible for speeding up metabolism, as muscles burn more calories than fat cells. The ideal is to make a sport that gives you pleasure (not to give up after the first week) and always with the supervision of a professional.
  • Forget about miracle diets like watermelon, lemon, moon and co. Losing weight requires discipline, no miracle. When you settle the routine and eat with balance, the weight loss is long lasting and there is no concertina effect.
  • Way in the dose. A piece of chocolate is allowed, as is a glass of beer. The problem is losing the line and eating the whole candy bar and having several bottles of beer. Remember: when eating candy, eat after lunch. When you eat sugar after eating too much fiber, the body eliminates sugar more easily. You need to be your best friend at this time and focus on your health.
  • Treat the compulsion. Many people discount frustration in food. Remember: you eat to live, you don't live to eat. If something bothers you, try to solve it or ask a psychologist for help. Robbing the fridge doesn't solve your life. On the contrary, in the long run, it only gets worse.

The secret of being thin?

And, especially, staying thin is knowing how to compensate. There will be days when the bakery pudding will speak louder than your willpower, but then the next day go for fruit for dessert. After the barbecue, eat salad. That is the way! If you keep your balance, you can control your weight in a good way. Think about your health, your well-being, and don't forget your self-esteem: When we really love each other, we don't want to clog our body with calories and fat because, after all, we don't just need it to ensure happiness. Think about it.

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