Know the foods that work as natural tranquilizers

Pressure at work, double hours, physical inactivity, traffic, poor diet, stress and tiredness. These are just some of the reasons that the daily life of large urban certain people offers for people of different ages to gather data dealing with problems such as anxiety and depression.

2011 World Health Organization (WHO) data confirm that cases of people suffering from depression and anxiety worldwide only increase and Brazil is among the champions of the disorder with 10.8% of Brazilians diagnosed as severely depressed.

Considering this data from 2011, we can imagine that the number could be much higher. The rate of treatment for the problem is also growing fast, such as the anxiolytic drugs that doctors often prescribe to treat psychiatric disorders.

For milder cases where medical intervention is not needed, ie to relax from the stress of routine and calm down, the tip is the natural tranquilizers that can be consumed to calm the mind and regain the lost serenity in everyday life. -day.

And since you never know how we will be struck by sudden stress, we've selected some of the foods that work as natural tranquilizers. Take note, after all, relaxing is always good.


In addition to its antioxidant functions, avocado is a fruit rich in healthy fat and glutathione, a substance that blocks the intestinal absorption of certain fats responsible for free radical release. It is also rich in vitamin B, essential to help you stay calm. It can be eaten pure, in vitamins, salads and even in snacks.

Red fruits

Fruits like blackberry, strawberry and raspberry are rich in vitamin C, excellent for fighting stress. In a German survey, 120 people underwent a test that they should give a speech and then solve complex mathematical problems. Those who had ingested vitamin C had lower blood pressure and lower cortisol levels than those who did not. These fruits can be eaten with salads, yogurt, grains such as oats or granola and can also be frozen.


Orange is another source of vitamin C and, in addition, has the advantage that it can be carried easily, as its hard shell prevents it from kneading in the bag, for example. It is widely consumed in juices, salads or as a dessert.


Oysters are a natural source of zinc. A 5-unit serving is more than half the recommended daily dose of zinc, and zinc is a soothing mineral. The recipes with this delicacy are varied and can be consumed with sauces or only with lemon.


Walnuts have alpha linolenic, an omega 3 rich acid and other active ingredients that help fight memory loss, as well as regulate cortisol and adrenaline.

Besides soothing foods, another tip is the medicinal plants that can be used in the preparation of teas. The effectiveness of these plants is not scientifically proven, but their use is so traditional that no one has ever been advised to take a chamomile tea to calm down.

In this group, passiflora, valerian and St. John's wort stand out, plants widely used by the pharmaceutical industry in the preparation of formulas for treating mild and moderate depressions. The substances found in these plants act on neurons by decreasing nervous system activity and relaxing.

Advantages of Natural Soothing

The main advantage of natural tranquilizers over synthetics is that the concentration of assets is much lower, which reduces the risk of side effects and addiction.

So when beating anxiety and nervousness, instead of taking a soothing pill, how about taking it easy and opting for something more natural? Your body and health thank you.

And don't forget, only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe medicine to treat depression and any other psychological disorder of the nervous system. Take care!

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