Know the importance of gynecological check up

Every six months both men and women need to have routine checkups to see if everything is all right with their health. Collecting blood, doing ultrasound, among others, are essential for preserving diseases, and have medical monitoring annually.

In addition to these tests, women need to perform the so-called gynecological check up. Prevention is the best way to have good health. Many diseases do not show through noticeable symptoms, such as pain, discharge, for example. Then, only during a thorough evaluation, during a doctor's appointment, and after performing some tests can you find out some problems. And most diseases, if discovered early in life, are more likely to cure and resolve simply ?, explains gynecologist Barbara Murayama.

According to the gynecologist, it is recommended that you visit your doctor at least every six months. For women with an active sex life, those using some contraceptive method such as pills or even IUDs or past menopause, it is important to perform medication controls, blood pressure and symptoms.

For younger girls, even those who have not yet started their sex life, it is important not only to evaluate possible problems such as menstruation changes, cramps, breast changes, PMS, for example, but also to seize the opportunity and provide guidance on your own body, changes that happen at every stage of life, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and all the other doubts they have ?, he says.

Barbara says these screening tests look for a number of problems. ? The main concern is cervical cancer and breast cancer, which are still very common diseases in the country. But the routine visits, seek not only the prevention of these two diseases, but also the treatment of other problems, such as discharge, breast pain, changes in menstruation, among others ?, comments.

For women who are starting their sex life, this is a good way to answer some questions. "It is during routine visits that we take the opportunity to guide and ask questions about STDs, contraceptive methods and all other questions that the patient has," he explains.

Be alert

It is important to talk to the gynecologist to review which tests are required. But usually, the main ones are: Pap smears, or cervical cytology, and mammography.

• Pap smear is the preventative for cervical cancer and other injuries caused by HPV. It should be performed from the beginning of sex life once a year. Today, with the advancement of laboratory techniques, it is already possible to perform other analyzes such as hormonal evaluations, and several sexually transmitted diseases by the same collection.

Another essential test is mammography that should be performed annually on women over 40 years. If the woman has a first-degree relative with breast cancer, should start at 35?

Other exams may be added to the woman's checkup, depending on her needs and family history. "Pelvic ultrasound, breast ultrasound, bone densitometry, blood tests to assess possible anemia, thyroid gland assessment, cholesterol, glycemia, hormone and vitamin rates, urine test, among others, can be included in the exams", ends Barbara.

The Pelvic Exam - Stanford Medicine 25 (April 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
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