Learn about thermogenic supplements and their power of action

Thermogenic supplements are pills designed with ingredients that drive the burning of body fat faster. However, contrary to what many people think these pills do not melt fat and magically remove it from the body, they only enhance the work of the exercise and balanced diet routine, so to stay healthy you should not create wrong expectations. regarding the product and use it indiscriminately.

The combination of the ingredients of thermogenic supplements makes the body release adrenaline, accelerates the heartbeat, gives more willingness for physical and mental activities and promotes a slight increase in body temperature. These effects contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, creating an environment conducive to the reduction of lipid reserves and, therefore, to weight loss.

Is the consequence of the mechanism of action of these pills a greater energy input for the practice of physical activities? because of the higher level of adrenaline; a faster weight loss? since the body will endeavor to reduce the body temperature increase induced by burning fat; and a bigger gain in body definition? by, with less fat, expose muscle mass.

Proper Use of Thermogenic Supplements

Thermogenic supplements only have a good effect if they are allied with a proper exercise and eating routine. If a person consumes high doses of thermogenic supplements to compensate for lack of discipline, they may suffer from insomnia, distress, restlessness, mood swings, shortness of breath, tachycardia and addiction.

The rate of fat burning can be improved with the use of supplements, but healthy weight loss is gradual. For this process to be safe, you should lose a maximum of three pounds per week, otherwise there will be loss of muscle mass and damage to the body.

To make proper use of supplements it is important to consult a nutritionist or endocrinologist to evaluate which substance and dosage is most appropriate. Also, you need to be aware of some points:

  • Inform the dietitian if you have heart problems, high blood pressure or use nervous system medicines;
  • Take the recommended doses and take breaks to prevent your body from becoming addicted to the effects of adrenaline and becoming prostrate when you stop using;
  • Always drink the product with a large glass of water;
  • While using supplements, be aware of alcohol or coffee consumption while avoiding them as much as possible.

Dangerous Thermogenic Supplement Cases

There are thermogenic supplements made from stimulant drugs such as amphetamines and amphetamine analogues such as ephedrine, these products are extremely dangerous and are prohibited in Brazil. Despite the ban, many people import these supplements with amphetamines and ephedrines as they have a more intense and prolonged effect.

"The products allowed by the National Health Surveillance Agency, ANVISA, usually lose effect over time, because the body adapts to its active ingredients?" like caffeine and taurine, but the consumption of foreign illegal substances is not justified because its side effects are severe such as tachycardia, high blood pressure, strokes, liver and kidney problems, lung complications and heart failure.?, warns nutritionist Isabella Peixoto.

Alternatives for those who don't want to risk it

For those who don't want to risk any supplements, Dr. Isabella indicates using food as a source of thermogenesis.

According to the carioca nutritionist, some foods have the ability to give more energy to perform activities, promote greater calorie burning and reduce appetite, because they require more work in the digestive process, using body fat as a source of energy.

But there is no miracle, thermogenic foods like ginger, apple cider vinegar, red pepper, chard, kale, broccoli, orange, kiwi, coffee, cinnamon, guarana, green tea, flaxseed, salmon, sardines, mustard, asparagus, olive oil and even chocolate as long as it is bitter; They only work if they are included in the diet in a balanced manner and if the person is not sedentary.

Another tip from Isabella Peixoto is: "Eat at least six times a day, because when a person eats at short intervals, the body speeds up metabolism and releases more calories because it knows the energy will be restored."

Regardless of your choice of using thermogenic supplements or resorting to the sources of these substances in your diet, having the support of health professionals is indispensable for your physical well-being to be maintained and expressed in beauty.

All-Natural Weight-Loss Aids (April 2024)

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