Loneliness May Be Fatal, Study Finds

John Cacioppo, a neuroscientist at the University of Chicago, Illinois, presented his latest research on Social Psychology and Perception, in which he expounded his findings that there is a direct biological link between being alone and health problems.

"Even fruit flies that are isolated have poorer health and die earlier than those that interact with others, showing that social engagement can be extremely important," the researcher pointed out.

Cacioppo, who has been studying the biological effects of loneliness for many years, states that individuals may have physical manifestations of their loneliness, such as the immune system, cardiovascular nervous system, and even memory function.

He also found that socially isolated people wake up more at night, destroying their quality of sleep, and therefore do not receive the amount of sleep necessary to restore and repair their bodies, both physically and psychologically.

The new study found that people with high scores on a University of Los Angeles loneliness scale test exhibited a series of physiological changes, such as smaller arteries? What raises blood pressure? and high levels of stress hormone.

Loneliness (March 2024)

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