?Love? it's not all in a relationship

When it comes to fundamental factors in building a healthy relationship, the first word that comes to mind for most people is "love." This concept, as necessary as it is abstract, is portrayed by the human being since the world is world, but is he solely responsible for keeping a couple together and happily ever after?

Everyone who has ever had a real relationship will agree that love alone is not enough: love relationships need to be grounded in other factors to ensure their survival. Here are four factors that, together with love, help you maintain a healthy relationship.

Mutual respect

Perhaps respect is even more important than love to keep a couple together. You need to put yourself in each other's shoes each time you make a decision, assessing how that situation affects your partner and trying to understand your side.

A relationship based on mutual respect is likely to work because both respect each other's space, always cherishing the well-being of the couple over personal interests. Although this state of perfection and reciprocity is not maintained 100% of the time, observing one's own attitudes toward being dominant over moments of selfishness can make a difference in the bottom line.


As a consequence of a relationship based on truth and respect for each other, trust must be the couple's priority. This is because any kind of damage to her, even small, can be fatal to the relationship.

Trusting your partner is critical so that the relationship is not eroded over time. When there is no trust, any misstep is cause for misunderstanding, since one side simply does not believe what the other says. How then to keep the peace if each partner's statement is questioned and often even investigated? The answer is as true as it is cruel: there is no possibility; or trust is restored, or the relationship is doomed to failure.


Whether it's physical appearance, intelligence, effort, or professional competence, you need to admire your mate and that feeling needs to be reciprocal. Admiration is present when one recognizes in each other specific qualities and talents, as well as the importance of these items in the day to day relationship.

According to psychologist Milena Lhano, “Look at your partner and be proud of your achievements, characteristics, way of dressing, problem solving and so on. Is it one of the ways to maintain the relationship?


For a relationship to work, it is essential that both have similar life goals and similar future projects, always thinking together. The reason is easy to understand: if one wants to move while the other wants to stay where one is and no one gives in, the relationship is likely to suffer the consequences of the disagreement.

Therefore, it is essential that the couple is aligned with their projects, in addition to identifying common interests and tastes. The maxim that? Opposites attract? only valid for the beginning of the relationship; Over time the similarities of values ​​and thoughts are, yes, decisive.

Can A Relationship Survive Without Labels? | In Love or Not (April 2024)

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