Meet the hypopressive gymnastics

Who has never wanted to conquer a dry, defined abdomen without having to deal with exhausting and exhausting abs? Now, thanks to a technique used by physiotherapists in the treatment of pelvic and postural rehabilitation, this desire is closer.

The technique is new in Brazil, but is already very successful in Europe, especially in France, where it was developed by physiotherapist Marcel Caufriez. It is the hypopressive gymnastics, also known as the hypopressive abdominal, a combination of movements that works the abdomen and pelvic girdle and that was initially applied only for health treatments, but gradually gained space in the aesthetic scope.

Gymnastics combines a series of abdominal, pelvic, and pectoral muscle exercises, producing a movement of the abdominal muscles known as the diaphragmatic aspiration maneuver, which aims to pull up pelvic organs such as the bladder, uterus, and ovaries by stimulating the musculature. of the pelvic floor.

Its goal is to reduce intra-abdominal pressure by strengthening the internal muscles of the abdomen, in addition to strengthening the perineum and reducing the compression of invertebral discs in the lower back.

Hypopressive gymnastics are effective for a variety of treatments such as combating and treating urinary incontinence, treating back pain, low back pain and improving posture, improving bowel function, assisting postpartum recovery and improving the appearance of the abdomen by strengthening muscles and decreased waist circumference.

For racing enthusiasts, the benefits can be even greater. According to research, running activity has a major impact on the muscles of the perineum responsible for urinary continence and this impact on women can cause urinary loss during running and also on activities involving weight bearing, coughing and sneezing. That's right in young women without children. With hypopressive exercise, the muscles strengthen, reducing the impact on the pelvis. In the male case, the exercises reduce the impact on the lower back, reducing pain and correcting posture deviations.

The results obtained with the practice of hypopressive exercises vary from person to person. You will be able to develop muscle control and perceive the region. Unlike traditional sit-ups, hypopressive exercise therapy requires this body awareness and a similar concentration to pilates and yoga to relieve tension in the area. This is why some people find it more difficult than others who can see the results in the body in the first weeks.

According to experts, this increased body awareness also positively affect sexual relations, thanks to the strengthening of muscles in the region and the release of concentrated tension, which in itself increases the sensation of pleasure.

The effect is also different from abdominal strengthening exercises, as the work is done internally, but it is possible to get a leaner contour, a thinner waist and no unpleasant love handles.

This type of gym is performed by a restricted group of professionals, so if you want to start therapy, the ideal is to have the guidance of a properly qualified professional, but to illustrate how the exercise works, we have selected the video below.

For best effects, combine therapy with other regular exercise and a balanced diet. Check out 2 more videos to see how the technique works with the following exercises.

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