Men teach how to show interest

When it comes to flirting, there is always the question of how to approach. What will be the best way to show that we are interested? A lot of people are insecure right now, not knowing if it is best to leave everything explicit or bet on the "little games". After all, what can we do to demonstrate that we are in the mood without seeming exaggerated, but also making it clear that we want an approach?

In flirting, posture and visual presentation (clothing, hair, etc.) certainly play a major role. Eye contact is the first to be established, so this impression can be decisive. Or not. Personal attunement and good conversation can be even more powerful. The balance between physical attraction and personal affinity is the key to a positive encounter. It all depends on one's intent and of course everyone has different preferences. But also, no one wants to give themselves on a tray? The game of flirting is played in pairs, through signals.

1. Body Posture

The goal is to give him the message we want and this is done through gestures, looks and postures. Men can be a little slow reading the signs, so it is good to give some clear tips. Historian Gustavo Fernando (33) begins by paying attention to the woman's posture: “I like it when they change their posture, puff up their chests, and go charming. Is it good for them to demonstrate through posture and self-esteem?

Self-esteem psychologist Danyla Borobia also bets on self-confidence as a great seducer: “A safe woman who loves herself, knows herself and knows what she wants, ends up becoming happier, more receptive, able to interact better and demonstrate it to her. anyone. And if she is open and really interested in the man, he will notice. Nothing like a beautiful smile on your face, a watchful eye and a lot of sympathy ?.

The cultural producer Bernardo Medeiros (25), suggests that there is not much shyness so that the boy is not insecure and bet on a natural approach:? I like women to be open to talk, to give clues. Body reading is very easy to understand when the person is interested. If she gets shy or tries to provoke pretending not to care, it's not cool. Nowadays I think people can be more honest about what they want?

2. The eyes can say everything

The look is often the first sign and the most suggestive. It is with the eyes that we send the initial clue. Crossing your gaze with his for a few seconds or looking at his mouth will make your interest clear. For musician Rodney Morelli (42), the look is essential: I like them to look into each other's eyes, even from afar, and smile. When I'm in a place and I'm interested in someone, of course I won't be approaching, I look discreetly to be noticed. If there is interest from the other party, it is legal for the other person to return with a smile on the lips and eyes. That suggestive little smile, you know?

For the audiovisual consultant Octavio Ribeiro (34), sometimes the look says it all: Just return interest with a look and a smile from the corner of your mouth. This subtlety is enough, because flirting is the best time to flirt. Depending on the exchange of signals, sometimes you don't even have to say anything.

According to EFT Relationship Coach and Therapist Margareth Signorelli, many men do not like to lose their grip on approach, and getting there with everything can make you lose your enthusiasm. It is better to let him approach more effectively: Man goes out to find someone, as his ancestors went out to hunt. It may seem like an old method, but what research shows is that to date this is the most effective method?

3. Win him in the conversation

After the physical approach, the time of conversation is decisive. Men like to receive attention, and the best step to captivating you may be by showing interest in your affairs, so you will be more comfortable and confident. Designer Gustavo Thomé thinks the approach should be a little subtle in the conversation. I like it when a woman shows an interest in who I really am, what I think, what I like, and what I do. And don't forget to avoid heavy or stressful matters, no complaining about the day or your health!

4. Use social networks

In times of such online interactivity, we have yet another personal sphere to take care of. Your stance towards him on social networks can also be very helpful. Similarly, relationships on the Internet can make us more expansive, so it's important to interact with caution. No going out enjoying all his pictures (he might find you a psycho), but a subtle interaction with good subjects can help you get closer.

Online distribution coordinator Felipe Gueiros (31) finds it sympathetic when she chats social media about daily life and weekend programming. Is that a good indication to know she's interested in my company?

5. Maintain Self-Esteem

This whole process is accompanied by the fear of rejection. Even if only intimately, everyone cares about it. And often, when we do not reach our goal, the question remains: did he not want or simply did not realize? If you gave the message, even subtly, and he made no move toward you, it may just be that the cat is not in the mood. Margareth Signorelli adds: “Be who you are and not how you think he would like you to be. Be genuine. So far you are showing interest in him and so wait. If he is interested in you he will look for you. Otherwise, look no further.

Why “interested” men disappear and what to do about it (a powerful antidote) (April 2024)

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