Ovarian Cyst: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Most people have heard about ovarian cysts and perhaps know of a woman who has had the problem. However, there are many doubts about the subject and the biggest one, certainly, is regarding its gravity.

The good news is that the ovarian cyst does not always represent something serious. However, to understand this point, it is crucial to know the difference between the different types of ovarian cysts. To subsequently know the possible symptoms and treatments for each case.

Ovarian Cysts

Alessandra Bedin Rubino, gynecologist at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, points out first that there are different types of ovarian cysts:

  • The functional ones, which are physiological, and nothing but ovulation;
  • Microcysts, which may be related to hormonal changes;
  • Simple cysts, which if not normal, ovulatory cysts are usually benign, often hormonal in origin;
  • Complex cysts, which may be benign or not.

The gynecologist points out that the latter, yes, should be followed more closely and even operated, depending on the case.


Gynecologist Alessandra explains that about 40% of women may have any type of ovarian cyst in their lifetime: microcysts, simple cysts or complex cysts. (Since functional ones are part of the normal menstruation process).


A common question among women is whether there is a specific age for the problem to appear.

But gynecologist Alessandra points out that depends on the cause. "In general, those related to hormonal changes (large or small) go throughout the fertile season of women, most often in adolescence and pre-menopause," he says.

Complex cysts vary, even according to the doctor. Endometriomas, for example, happen between 30-45 years of age, mostly. Teratoma-like cysts at any age (they are of embryonic origin, but it is believed to be around 30 years old). Already malignant tumors of the ovary are more typical in older women, postmenopause ?, explains.


The gynecologist explains that ovarian cysts that are not accompanied by hormonal changes are super difficult to give symptoms. "When they present, the main one is pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual cramps, etc.", he says.

In the case of hormonal cysts, irregularity of menstruation is usually the highest frequency. "But acne, increased hair, weight gain, among other symptoms may also accompany," explains Alessandra Rubino.

When should I look for help?

Gynecologist Alessandra emphasizes that it is important to seek medical help as soon as the woman has any menstrual changes or pain, especially menstrual pain.

Should the following symptoms? feeling of satisfaction as soon as you start eating; appetite loss and involuntary weight loss? If you have frequently presented yourself within two weeks, it is also worth contacting your gynecologist.

Ovarian Cyst Treatment

Alessandra Rubino explains that ovarian cyst treatment varies depending on the cause. "Sometimes it is done with the use of contraceptives, sometimes surgery is needed, or just follow up," he says.

Is it a serious problem?

According to the gynecologist, ovarian cysts do not necessarily represent a serious health problem. "But depending on the cause, along the course of evolution, may occur major hormonal disorders or diseases such as endometriosis, which may progress, leading to chronic pain and sterility," he says.

Not to mention cancer, which, unfortunately, is a possibility.


According to the gynecologist, there is no way to prevent ovarian cysts from appearing. “But going to the gynecologist with reasonable frequency is very important. Since any of the cases, including cancer, are treatable if diagnosed early ?, highlights.

So be sure to visit your gynecologist regularly and talk to him about any symptoms you have considered different. This is the best way to prevent these and other health problems!

Ovarian cyst- causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (April 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
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