Pelvic floor dysfunction

Situated below the abdomen region, from the pubic bone in front to the base of the spine in the back, the pelvic floor is a set of muscles that have the function of assisting in sustaining
of some organs such as the bladder, uterus and intestine, in addition to the baby during pregnancy.

Situations like coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting, carrying heavy objects or playing sports? mostly bodybuilding? overload the pelvic floor musculature and cause her to need to contract vigorously to prevent the organs from leaving their normal positions.

Like any other muscle in the body, the so-called MAP can build up lesions and gradually weaken, failing to respond to its function over time. Among the causes of pelvic floor dysfunctionThere are also some types of gynecological surgery that can end up injuring the muscles of the region.

When the pelvic floor muscles are weak or affected by dysfunction, they may cause some discomfort. Among them, the most common are urinary incontinence, decreased sexual pleasure, feeling of vaginal looseness and prolapse, which is popularly known as 'drooping bladder'.

For anatomical and hormonal reasons, pelvic floor dysfunctions affect women of varying ages. However, women in the near age and during menopause and pregnant women are more susceptible.

The pelvic floor is dependent on estrogen, the female sex hormone. Upon entering menopause, the production of this hormone begins to decrease naturally, until zero. As a result, the pelvic floor muscles tend to weaken.

Pelvic floor dysfunction and pregnancy

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a common problem in pregnancy. During the nine months, the pelvic floor muscle strength should be even greater to support the weight of the baby and placenta joint.

Many women suffer from urinary incontinence during pregnancy because the bladder gets compressed by the uterus as it gets larger. However, the problem tends to disappear after pregnancy.

Pelvic floor strengthening exercises

Reeducation of the pelvic floor muscles can treat dysfunctions and eliminate discomfort. Several features can be used for this. These include strengthening exercises to get your female pelvic floor muscles working again.

When done regularly, pelvic floor exercises help prevent urinary incontinence and prolapse. Another benefit is that the stronger the pelvic floor muscles are, the greater the chance of reaching orgasm at the time of sex.

As for pregnancy, exercise is important to help support the extra weight. In addition, strong pelvic floor muscles provide extra help and assist in the recovery of the perineum (region between the vagina and anus) after the birth of the baby by normal birth.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (March 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
  • 1,230