Practical and creative ideas for organizing underwear

Is your underwear drawer a mess? Know that you are not alone. Keeping the pieces in order in the drawer can be a challenge. After all, formats don't go together with conventional ways of folding clothes, everything goes out of place when the drawer is opened and locating a specific piece takes time and great searching skills.

But changing this picture is not as complicated as it may seem. There are simple, practical and inexpensive ways to eliminate the mess and organize underwear so that everything stays in place.

In addition to being able to find what you're looking for without much effort, can an organized drawer provide some parts with greater durability? Bulky, more structured bras, for example, will look like new longer if they are stored carefully and without crumpling.

When it comes to putting the organization into practice, start by sorting out what you no longer use and leave in the closet only what is really useful. With the volume of items controlled, putting the underwear in order can be arranged with organizers, shoe boxes, drawer dividers or simply different techniques of folding the pieces.

7 Ideas For Organizing Your Underwear

Check out some ideas for keeping your underwear organized? in or out of the drawer:

Also read: 20 Essential Cares When Washing and Storing Your Underwear

1. With drawer organizers

Drawer organizers are very practical: just put it in the drawer and fill the space with socks, panties and flat bra. Can you find to buy in different sizes and materials and arrange as you see fit? by color, model or type of part.

2. With pots or boxes

Pots or boxes can be great allies when organizing underwear and are very simple to get: you can use a shoe box, food box, plastic pots you already have at home, etc. You can separate your pieces as you see fit and put them in different boxes within the drawers.

3. With PVC pipe

Using PVC pipe is a way of organizing low cost malleable parts. Simply cut the pipe to the right size for your drawer and arrange it as you see fit, in the amount needed to accommodate all items. To keep the bulge of bras and tops intact, set aside a drawer space to place them without folding. An alternative to adapting this idea is to replace the PVC pipe with cups.

4. With folded bowl

Padded bras are delicate pieces to store. Not to damage them, one way of storing and folding the piece in half, with a bulge inside the other. Organizers with narrower partitions are ideal for this type of organization.

5. With open bulge

If the bra is more structured, the best way to store it is open. For this you will need more space and as a result will be free of wrinkles and crease marks. In organizers with wider partitions or in the non-divisional drawer, simply row all the open pieces together.

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6. On hangers

Great alternative for those who have closet space! Hanging the bras on hangers is one more way to store them without folding, in a conspicuous way and still has the bonus of leaving more free space in the drawer.

7. With everything folded

Even without organizers or partitions, it is possible to have an organized drawer. Storing folded and lined panties, for example, is a good way to keep everything in place and helps a lot in quick viewing of the pieces.

Check out this video for a way to fold the panties into a kind of envelope that prevents them from unfolding and makes them safer in the drawer.

How to make your own underwear organizers

It doesn't take a lot of craftsmanship skills or complicated materials to make your own underwear organizer. The materials are easy to find and are often things you may already have at home. By taking a little time, you can make the ideal organizer for the size of your drawer and how many pieces you need to accommodate.

Check out some tutorials from different models of organizers and choose the one that has the most to do with what you need!

1. Organizer Box, by Nina Braz

In this video you learn how to make an organizer box with different size dividers? here it is worth thinking about how the pieces will be arranged and planning the optimal room sizes for the amount of items to be accommodated. The only materials required are a box with a lid and scissors to cut. Once ready, you can use the box as a drawer organizer.

2. Cardboard Drawer Dividers, by Pâmela Dalbonio

The tutorial teaches how to make dividers for the cardboard drawer by fixing hot glue col. In addition to splitting, you also learn how to fold the envelope pieces together, securing them tightly and compactly to fit better into spaces.

3. Drawer Organizer with EVA, by Viviane Merlim

In this video you learn how to make an organizing hive, using mostly EVA and hot glue. The result is great for organizing small, malleable parts, leaving the drawer with many small partitions. The tip is to use two-color EVA to create a colorful effect in the rooms.

4. MDF Drawer Partitions by Nina Braz

Here you learn how to make drawer partitions using MDF plates and contact paper (both to cover the board and to attach it to the drawer). Wood boards are inexpensive and you can buy them to the exact size to fit in your drawer. With the technique, you can make different size and shape divisions as needed.

5. Bottle Drawer Organizer by Gabi Castro

A very simple way to organize the drawer and even reuse PET bottles. The process is very simple: just cut the bottles at the right time for your drawer and then arrange the pieces inside each one. For best results, you can vary bottle sizes by part.

6. Milk Box Organizer by Lourdes

Super simple to make, this organizer uses open milk cartons and is the ideal size for storing panties, socks and (folded!) Bras. To customize the look, you can paint or cover the boxes with paper, fabric or contact colors of your choice.

Underwear organizers to buy

Those who prefer to buy the ready-made organizer should also have no trouble finding a model that meets their needs. There are pieces of fabric, wood, acrylic and plastic in different shapes and sizes. Check out in our gallery some varied options to buy online. Be sure to check the measurements of your drawer and organizer knock before ordering!

Panty Drawer Organizer for R $ 32,90 at Americanas

Bra Organizer for $ 9.99 at Walmart

TNT Bra Hive for $ 34.50 at Americanas

Concertina Beehive (3 units) for R $ 75,20 in OZ Store

Bra organizer for R $ 23,90 at Submarino

Modular drawer organizer hive for R $ 37,90 at Loja OZ

Bra Organizer Case for R $ 52,72 at OZ Store

Tidy Drawer partition for $ 4.99 at Etna

Organizer with dividers for R $ 22,39 at Mobly

Drawer Organizer for $ 9.99 at Mobly

Square Drawer Organizer for R $ 15,29 at Mobly

Bumer organizer for $ 47.50 at Tok Stok

Show flat organizer for R $ 35,50 at Tok Stok

Whether you buy your own organizer or just take advantage of the boxes and pots you already have at home, you can keep your underwear organized and increase the durability and life of the pieces. Enjoy the tips and get to work!


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