Pregnancy Test: Know What Type to Use to Clear Your Question

Menstrual delay in women with regular cycles is the first sign of suspected pregnancy. But, it is worth mentioning, there are several clinical signs perceived by the woman, such as breast pain, areola darkening, swelling, drowsiness, mood swings, which allow the suspicion of pregnancy even before the absence of menstruation.

Given the suspicion of pregnancy, a question arises: what kind of test to resort to? In addition to pharmacy testing and blood testing options, some women are wondering if so-called home pregnancy tests are also effective.

Types of Pregnancy Test

There are two types of tests best known for detecting a pregnancy: the pharmacy test, which is done with the urine, by the woman herself (at home), and the blood test, which is usually requested by the doctor and done in the laboratory.

There is still the possibility to bet on home tests before resorting to another type, but, it is worth mentioning, they do not have proven effectiveness. Below you will find the main information about the different types of tests:

Pharmacy Test

Faced with the suspicion of being pregnant, the tendency of women is to rush to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test.

Nilka Fernandes Donadio, obstetrician, obstetrician, specialist in Human Reproduction and Technical Director of Cetipi (Center Specializing in Integral Treatment of Infertile Patients), points out that pharmacy tests are sold without a prescription and cost between $ 10 to $ 100. "The so-called pharmacy tests evaluate the presence of the hormone called hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), produced by the placenta, in a woman's urine," he says.

In pharmacies, you can find a huge variety of test brands. And, depending on the brand, one test may be more sensitive than the other: the most sensitive can detect levels of 20 IU / l of hCG in the urine, while others detect from 50 IU / l.

Unfortunately, however, the test package does not usually specify sensitivity. In general, the most sensitive tests are believed to be the most expensive, but this is not a rule.

Nilka Fernandes Donadio points out that some recommendations must be followed for the use of these tests: observe the validity, the integrity of the package and, especially, the time of the menstrual delay. Performing the test early, even before the delay can lead to a false negative, as the urine hormone concentration is lower compared to the blood concentration, and hCG levels slowly rise as pregnancy develops, so If performed too early, the hormone concentration is still so low that it becomes undetectable for pharmacy tests ?, explains the gynecologist and obstetrician.

It is generally recommended to wait at least 15 days after fertilization, ie after sexual intercourse, to perform this type of test.

The reading of the result is very simple: "After placing the strip in contact with the urine and waiting the time indicated by the manufacturer, the presence of two lines indicates a positive result, even if the second line is very clear," explains doctor Nilka.

If the pharmacy test is positive, it is virtually certain that the woman is pregnant. But, as Gynecologist Nilka points out, there are, although very rare, "false positives" that occur due to the production of this same hormone in cases of ovarian tumors.

Exam? -HCG

A blood test called beta-hCG detects pregnancy earlier, even before menstrual delay. In general, it is recommended to wait 9 to 12 days after fertilization to do so.

Nilka Fernandes Donadio explains that the? -HCG exam can be qualitative or quantitative:

  • Qualitative: only says whether or not there is a hormone present in the blood;
  • Quantitative: Tells how many units of the hormone were detected in the blood.

? Quantitative testing allows you to assess the normal course of pregnancy, which is not yet visible at the very beginning of ultrasound. The amount of hormone should double every two days. If this does not happen, it may indicate an impracticable pregnancy, which will not evolve properly, having abortion, or a tubal pregnancy, called ectopic ?, explains the gynecologist and obstetrician.

Nilka Donadio points out that, especially among women undergoing fertility treatment, the doctor's request for two quantitative BhCG ​​tests, two days apart, is very common. "Because among patients with fertility problems the incidence of ectopic pregnancy is much higher," he explains.

The price varies greatly from one place to another, but in many cities the? -HCG exam costs between 25 and 35 reais.

Home Pregnancy Test

Suspecting that they may be pregnant, usually due to menstrual delay, some women even resort to home pregnancy tests even before buying a pharmacy test.

On the internet you can find some recipes that promise to confirm or not the pregnancy. Here are some examples:

1. Urine Boil Test

Boil the urine in an aluminum container and then observe: if the urine boils similar to milk? she forms like a cream? ?, the result is POSITIVE. If the boil is similar to the water "just bubbling", the result is NEGATIVE.

2. Needle Test

Urinate in a container and put a needle inside it. Then it is necessary to close the container and wait for eight hours. If the needle changes color, the result is POSITIVE.

3. Bleach test

Urinate in a container and add bleach. If the urine changes color or fizzes, the result is POSITIVE. Otherwise, the result is NEGATIVE.

4. Chlorine Test

Put the urine in a disposable cup and add chlorine. If it goes dark, the result is POSITIVE. If the mix remains the same color, the result is NEGATIVE.

However, it is noteworthy, none of these tests have scientific evidence. Such homemade recipes may be regarded more as popular beliefs than as reliable tests. But it is true is that in many cases they serve to lessen women's anxiety.

The tip, then, is: If you decide to do a home test, whether it is positive or negative, do not believe fully and only in the result pointed by it. The way forward is to opt for a pharmacy test and / or blood test as soon as possible.

Transvaginal ultrasound to detect pregnancy

According to Nilka Donadio, the best assessment of pregnancy, as well as its evolution, is by transvaginal ultrasound.

Usually, the ultrasound pregnancy image is visible from five weeks, ie after one week of delay in women with regular cycles. Remember that gestational age is calculated from the date of last menstruation, not conception; So, five weeks of gestation is a week late?

Sometimes, explains Nilka Donadio, the pregnancy test in the blood is positive, but the image of pregnancy on ultrasound is not yet seen. "It is mandatory to view the gestational sac from a 700h BhCG, if not visible, should exclude the possibility of ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy in the fallopian tubes)," he says.

At ultrasound, at five weeks we see the gestational sac, like a dark, round spot inside the uterus, later, a little later appears the so-called vesicle and the embryo itself and, at seven weeks, the presence of the so-called heartbeat. fetal heart is observed ?, highlights the gynecologist and obstetrician.

The price of transvaginal ultrasound varies greatly from clinic to clinic. It is covered by most health plans, however, it is important to check with your plan management if this is your case. Having to pay for the exam, you can have an expense of 60 to 150 reais.

Pregnancy tests by SUS: how to achieve?

According to information from the press office of the Ministry of Health, the offer of rapid pregnancy test by SUS is part of the strategy of the Stork Network, which consists of a care network that aims to ensure women the right to reproductive planning, as well as care. humanized during pregnancy, childbirth and after the birth of the baby.

Rapid pregnancy tests are available at Basic Health Units (UBS), spread across the country, and work by collecting urine. Thus, the woman who needs this service should inform one of the UBS's in her city about how to proceed to perform the test.

One of the advantages of the rapid test is that the result is presented shortly after urine collection.

Also according to information from the Ministry of Health, currently, the Stork Network is present in more than 5,000 municipalities in all states of the country.

Finally, it is noteworthy that, regardless of the type of test chosen to detect pregnancy, as soon as pregnancy is confirmed, the woman should seek as soon as possible prenatal medical guidance and follow-up.


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