Prevention: How to Avoid Dog Bites in Children

"The dog is man's best friend". This is usually what we hear about dogs. These animals are known to be friendly and have a good relationship with humans and so most of the time the puppy is the main choice when it comes to pet. On the other hand, not all dogs can be trusted.

Often, because we do not realize this and because we do not know how to deal with these animals, we end up with bites and injuries. It is important to note that most victims are children. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of dog bite-related injuries is higher from five to nine years of age. So, how to prevent a child from taking a bite of a dog? We have selected some tips that will help to protect children. Check out.

1 ? Teach the child to be cautious

It is essential to talk with the child about how they should behave in front of the animal. Explain that she should not disturb the dog, especially if she is eating or sleeping inside her house. They feel threatened when we try to invade their space. Also, remind your child not to throw objects at the animal. This can hurt the dog and make it aggressive.

2 ? Unknown dogs

Prevent your child from approaching unknown dogs on the street or in other people's homes. We never know how the dog will behave. But if you know the pet owner, ask permission before the child approaches the dog. If the owner authorizes, explain to your child that he should let the dog smell his hand before petting the animal. In this way, the puppy gets used to the child and allows the affection without problems.

And speaking of affection, explain to the child that he should avoid touching the animal's face, head, or tail. The dog feels more comfortable when we caress under his chin.

3? Pet dogs

When we decide to adopt a dog as our pet, we can also take some measures to prevent accidents with children and animals at home.

First, ask a vet about the behavior of certain breeds. We will never know for sure how a dog will behave, but some breeds live better with children.

After that, when bringing the animal home, train your dog to obey commands and avoid aggressive play with him. Pulling the dog's tail and insisting on removing objects from its mouth encourage violent behavior.

Also, it is important to note that one should not leave young children and babies alone with a dog. If anything happens, they are unlikely to know how to defend themselves.

Remember that the fundamental issue is respect. Teaching your children to respect animals will surely prevent many accidents and allow children to enjoy themselves safely.

Dog Bite Prevention Tips (March 2024)

  • Children and adolescents
  • 1,230