Rigid diets are counterproductive

There is no shortage of products in the market that suggest weight loss aids. Advertisements in magazines, websites, are all valid to lead to the general public trying to lose unwanted weight. The famous teas, medications and diets, which offer the magic of weight loss without proper and appropriate follow-up.

On the other hand, we see the statistics on obesity growing at alarming levels, but lack of information, or often the hope of losing weight fast, is the trigger for trying to lose weight.

When we go on our own diets without nutritional guidance, we end up trying a shorter way, but after a few days or months, we regain the lost weight again.

In addition to this discouraging concertina effect, the danger lies in developing a condition of greater obesity, or even eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia and compulsion.

The decision to initiate dietary reeducation is fundamental, as diets and diets are counterproductive, that is, they may have adverse effects. So do it right from the start. Have control of your food intake, as eating is for nourishment, not filling a void or anxiety process in other situations to which you may be exposed daily.

Therefore, the ideal is to set realistic goals, so that frustration is no obstacle to your determination to win. Weight loss gradually is the best way to keep weight lean, remembering that? Diets? or? schemes? Restrictive ones lead to compulsion, delaying your initial goal of weight loss.

When attempts are followed by failure, we become discouraged, with impaired self-esteem, making a vicious cycle. Weight loss is only effective when we are willing to really pursue health and well-being. This path is only possible, when supported by a team of professionals, who have the necessary knowledge to assist in this process.

Emotional and dietary reeducation is the path to success for any weight loss process, as the goal is to learn to eat properly, just from hunger, and to feel light and peaceful with food choices.

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  • Wellness, Diets, Weight Loss
  • 1,230