Squats: Amazing Benefits for Body and Health

For those who have been exercising for a long time, saying that squats are a super exercise is no big news! But some people, especially those starting out in physical activity, have questions about how the movement should be performed, what results it actually offers, if it can be done by everyone, among other issues.

Below, Physical Education professionals explain exactly what squats are, what benefits it offers, what precautions should be taken when performing the movement, and clarify other questions on the subject.

What is squats?

Tiago Heck, personal trainer and owner of CrossFit Sampa, explains that squats are the act of, starting in a neutral standing position, lowering the body in an eccentric contraction of the lower limbs with the hip breaking the parallel, and returning in a concentric to the same position. In other words, lowering your hips to the floor by bending your knees and keeping your torso straight?

Bruno Martins Monarchi, general manager of the For Life network technical area, bachelor and bachelor of Physical Education, postgraduate in Personalized Training and postgraduate in Applied Biomechanics in Physical Training and Evaluation, points out that squats are an exercise for strengthening muscles of the thighs, hips, buttocks, as well as bones, ligaments and tendon insertion throughout the lower body.

Four joints participate in the movement: ankle, knee, hip and lumbar spine. These joints perform various movements, but we should only analyze movements made against resistance ?, says Monarchi. Thus, he explains, the following joint movements are made in the squat:

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  • Plantar flexion;
  • Knee extension;
  • Hip extension;
  • Trunk extension.

The Numerous Benefits of Squats

Heck points out that squats were once considered the best exercise for humans, especially because they are bipedal. "It strengthens our body to fight gravity when we are standing," he says.

For women, it's considered the main exercise because of the emphasis on glut work it provides, Monarchi adds.

The personal trainer adds that squats are very welcome because it mainly strengthens the buttock area. ? Who squats usually have strong legs, strong hips and good posture ?, comments.

Heck also explains that, because it mobilizes a large amount of muscle mass, squats also provide a great energy expenditure, that is, it burns a lot of calories, especially if you use it or do it with many repetitions in a short time, thus generating a cardiac acceleration and also bringing benefits to the cardiopulmonary system ?.

Monarchi stresses that there are many benefits of squats for the female body, including:

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  • Increased muscle tone,
  • Sagging decrease,
  • Posture correction,
  • Decreased training time due to practicality,
  • Burning of localized fat,
  • Stiffening legs,
  • Thigh stiffness.

The professional points out that, according to variations, changes in intensity, it is clear to notice changes up to eight weeks, according to the frequency and intensity of training. ? The most noticeable short-term changes are due to stiffening and noticeably diminishing measures. Its main health benefit is the maintenance of postures and concentration of the core, where we have a strengthening of abdomen, hip, thighs and legs ?, explains.

4 squat exercises

James Heck explains that every full squat strengthens butt and thighs. But who wants to increase the intensity in these regions can do the squat on one leg, the so-called? Pistol? or one-sided squats?

"Or even the weighted back squat (barbell and washers), which if performed well, hip breaking the parallel, has plenty of benefits," adds Heck.

Monarchi points out that it is possible to generate squat variations with runtime changes, load stimuli, lower limb positioning, and external accessories used in executions (such as pilates ball, rubber band, etc.). Squat juice to inner thigh, where a foot rotation turns outward; squats below 90 ° for greater emphasis are examples, he says.

The professional explains that in the videos below, you can understand how some variations of squats are made:

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1. Squat Earth

2. Ball adapted squat

3. Washer squats

4. Free squats

Can everyone do squats?

Some people have a certain fear about exercise, so one of the big questions is: are there any contraindications or can everyone do squats?

Heck explains that everyone can and should do squats as long as the exercise is well targeted. "In the case of knee injuries, the movement should be performed in a more controlled and light progressive way to gradually strengthen the knee," he says.

"Many people improve knee pain when they know to squat, but this intensity progression must be respected," adds the personal trainer.

Monarchi points out that squats are a commonly used exercise for the population. Depending on the case of the individual who will perform it, the squat is shaped and structured by the professional so that the student has a squat method that respects their conditions, where the end results will be positive, for aesthetic purposes, quality of life or improvement. in health (restrictions on individuals with medical advice arising from more serious problems) ?, explains.

Another common question is: Are there exercises that can replace squats, offering the same benefits?

Heck explains that if the goal is strengthening, squat cannot be substituted but adapted. "Who really can't or can't do it, can adapt the movement by sitting on a stool with the help of a support, or can hold someone's hands and go down where you can," he says.

Videos that show squats

Want to understand a little more about how squats are / should be done? The videos below may help. But, it is worth mentioning, it is necessary to perform the exercise always with the accompaniment of a professional.

The Importance of Performing Professionally Guided Squats

To perform the squat, as any other exercise, it is essential to have the support of a professional in the area. "The most important point is the execution of the movement correctly, under the eye of an expert correcting position of feet, knees, back," highlights Heck.

Another important factor, according to the personal trainer, is the volume and intensity of the training, which will be calculated by the professional (so many repetitions with certain load etc). "And especially when we use cargo, for security reasons, it is very important to have someone to help if you can't finish the move," he adds.

Bruno Monarchi points out that the range of the expected result is correlated with several factors, including posture, execution time, rest time, number of sets and repetitions? "Thus, the presence of the professional is indispensable, so that their pre-stipulated goals are achieved," he concludes.

6 Key Benefits Of Squats (April 2024)

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