Studies prove that women talk more than men

Everyone was sure of it, women always seemed to talk a lot more than men, and not to sound just a tease, researchers at the University of Maryland did a study on the subject. If you think they counted the words, you are wrong. The research was to look for evidence in the human body of why so much talk.

The study began to be developed in rats, assuming which animal communicated most, whether male or female, and found that in the species, males cried more when separated from their mother, for example. An analysis showed a superior presence of FOXP2 protein, responsible for the construction and articulation of the sentences. By blocking this protein, the animals cried less and made less noise.

The research went to humans, and observations from people who died less than 24 hours ago from the test showed that the same FOXP2 protein is present in our brains, but women are about 30% more than men. This percentage results in a score of 20,000 words spoken by women daily against only 7,000 of men, a good difference, and that much justifies the reputation that the women have.

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