Take care of your ear health

It is common for this very important body to often be overlooked when it comes to care. We take care of oral health, our body and other organs, but sometimes the ear goes without the necessary care.

To avoid ear problems and even serious consequences such as deafness, care must be taken. Here are the top issues your ear may have and helpful care tips you should have with this organ.

Ear care

One of the things to avoid when it comes to ear care It is the use of flexible rods. When inserted too deeply into the ear, they may even puncture the eardrum. Because of this, experts recommend cleaning your towel with the index finger so that you can clean the outside and will not compromise the health of your ear.

Another interesting fact is that the ear is an organ that has its own cleansing mechanisms, ie human intervention is not required. Ear wax in small amounts serves as protection, and the ear's own hair does the work of expelling its excess.

So nothing to want to poke? ear until all wax is removed. If you believe your ear is dirty or needs further care, consult an otolaryngologist.

Ear diseases


It is very common to hear a ringing in the ear This is usually due to exposure to excessively loud noises, use of headphones at very high volume, and even disorientated use of anti-inflammatory and decongestants.

To avoid the problem, you should protect your ears from loud noises such as construction machinery and instruments. In addition, the use of headphones should be done with caution and always with the volume at a pleasant and not exaggerated height.

To treat this discomfort, it may be necessary to wear a hearing aid and avoid caffeine so that blood circulation does not increase and the tinnitus becomes even stronger. It is important to prevent this problem as it can cause concentration problems, difficulty sleeping and even negatively influence your libido.

Average otitis

Otitis media usually occurs during cold seasons, when flu is most common. In the case of otitis media, fluids from infections block the airway that should normally occur between the canal that connects the ear to the nose.

If you feel earache and headache, accompanied by dizziness, decreased hearing, and a strange feeling that your ear seems to be plugged, you may be suffering from otitis media.

To treat the problem, a doctor should be consulted to prescribe appropriate medications, and drainage may also be required to remove accumulated secretion in the canal. It is important to be careful in this case, as this otitis can even

Otitis externa

Otitis externa is very common during the summer, as frequent swimming and swimming can make it easier for water to get into the ears. Otitis externa is characterized by ear pain, especially during chewing. Another symptom of otitis externa is decreased hearing.

When you notice signs of otitis externa, do not use a cotton swab to try to remove water that has gotten inside your ear as this may make the situation worse. To relieve pain, use warm compresses. To compress, warm a cloth with the iron and then place the warm cloth over your ear for five minutes. Be careful not to burn yourself with the iron or heat the cloth too much, otherwise you may burn the ear.

Although this type of otitis cannot cause deafness, it is recommended to consult a doctor, as he may indicate the ideal treatment with medications specific to the case.

Be sure to always take care and watch for signs your ear gives that something is wrong with it. And if in doubt, seek medical advice.

Keeping Your Ears Healthy | Living Healthy Chicago (April 2024)

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