The importance of folic acid in pregnancy

Every woman who plans to have a child needs to focus more attention on her habits and diet, as pregnancy care must be taken even before the mother is pregnant. Good follow-up during the nine months reduces the chances of any congenital changes in the baby.

One of the recommendations of gynecologists for women who intend to become pregnant is to take folic acid at least three months before becoming pregnant and extend intake during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Folic acid (also known as folic acid) folate or vitamin B9) is a B-complex vitamin that plays a relevant role in pregnancy because it is essential for the baby's spine to develop properly, avoiding neural tube defects such as brain and spinal cord development.

The use of folic acid vitamin supplement It also reduces the risk of problems in the urinary tract and cardiovascular system of babies, and reduces the symptoms of nausea, nausea and vomiting common during the first trimester of pregnancy. It also reduces the incidence of premature births and improves the quality of breast milk. Studies have also suggested that folic acid may reduce the risk of women developing preeclampsia, a serious condition that may compromise the health of both mother and baby.

Foods such as spinach, asparagus, broccoli, dark green leafy vegetables, grains (beans), liver, citrus fruits and egg yolk have this vitamin, but sometimes the amount is not enough. During preparation, the cooking process decreases the action of the vitamin.

Therefore, doctors advise the use of vitamin supplements, which are proven to be more effective and serve as a booster for the World Health Organization's recommended dose of 0.4 milligrams per day to be taken by the future mother.

Since not every pregnancy is planned, doctors often prescribe folic acid supplement as soon as it is diagnosed, as fetal development is rapid in early pregnancy and neural tube formation occurs within the first four weeks. For this reason, the ideal, according to experts, is that women of childbearing age take supplements and consume folic acid rich foods whether or not you are planning a pregnancy.

Why is folic acid important during pregnancy? (April 2024)

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