Types Of Breads To Spice Up Your Diet

Who doesn't like warm, crispy bread that just came out of the oven? There are a wide variety of breads with many different ingredients, but they are still tasty and complete your daily meal. Some of them are more caloric, others lighter due to the type of grain used in the preparation.

If you can not avoid this delight, but need to handle the consumption, know the types of bread and find the ideal for your diet. Enjoy eating preparing snack recipes beyond specials.

French bread

French bread, also known as white bread or salt bread, is made with refined wheat flour and is the most consumed by Brazilians. This type of bread is high in carbohydrates, protein.

Having the habit of eating crispy bread at the first meal of the day on a regular basis is healthy, as our body needs a large intake of energy upon waking up after a long period of fasting. Due to the higher glycemic index in the food, the consumption of white bread is not recommended before bed or physical activity.

Whole grain bread

Prepared with refined flour, whole grain bread is very nutritious as it keeps the vitamins, minerals and fiber of the cereal in its composition, which helps to slow the absorption of blood glucose in the body, lowering the glycemic index. Due to its high fiber content, rye bread is a great option to eat before exercise. It is ideal for making light and healthy snacks that are nonetheless tasty.

Rye bread

Rye bread is the type of bread that contains less fat and protein and with the same fibers as whole grain bread, which help in the digestive process. This is the ideal bread for those who want to stop consuming white or French bread or even eat less fat. Even with a low amount of fat, this is the type of bread that contains the most carbohydrates.

Flaxseed bread

Flaxseed is a seed rich in fiber and good unsaturated fats such as omega 3 and 6, an important antioxidant and cell renewer. Mixing flaxseed with bread brings advantages to its diet, especially in the diet. Consumption of flaxseed helps to accelerate metabolism, improves the nutritional index of the diet and restores muscle fatigue ensuring increased body energy and vitality. To face a diet without discarding the roll, consume flaxseed bread in day-to-day snacks, before and after training or other physical activities.

Corn bread

By the name it says, corn bread is rich in fiber and minerals such as phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, protein and B vitamins. Even without wheat in the recipe, corn bread does not lose its cone during its preparation process and is very tasty. Is cornbread a great choice for those with gluten intolerance? also known as celiac disease? present in wheat and also in oats, rye, barley, malt and their derivatives.

Australian bread

Australian bread is dark in color as it is made from whole flour and iron-fortified flour and folic acid. Already its sweet taste is for having honey in the preparation. This type of bread is rich in fiber from the husk of wheat grains, vitamins and minerals.


Pita bread, or pita bread, is made from wheat like French bread, but with less fat and carbohydrates. This type of bread is suitable for those who want to vary their diet without increasing the calories and fat ingested. Even though lighter than French bread, flatbread is very tasty when used in the preparation of hot or cold snacks.

Oat Bread

Oatmeal is a highly nutritious cereal rich in soluble fiber, such as beta-glucan, which helps slow the absorption of glucose and cholesterol. Therefore, mixing bread with oats makes the food rich in magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, protein and is recommended for people who have blood glucose or hypercholesterolemic control problems.

Like whole grain bread, oat bread also has a lot of fiber that helps lower the glycemic index. This type of bread can also be eaten before any physical activity through lighter and healthier snacks.


The croissant, name that means? Crescent? In French, it is a type of bread made with puff pastry and shaped like a half moon. Besides being very tasty, croissant is the type of bread that has more calories and fat than other breads.Therefore, you need to consume in moderation, especially if you need to lose a few pounds. Instead of choosing a croissant in the stuffed version, opt for a lighter filling, so that the snack does not become even more caloric.

5 Healthiest Types Of Bread To Consume (April 2024)

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