Vaginal Itching: Understand the Reasons of the Problem and Know How to Avoid

Health is no joke, which is exactly why, at any odd symptom, most people tend to question whether it cannot be a sign of any more serious problems.

Probably have all women, for example, ever experienced episodes of vaginal itching? inside or outside. And from then on they were in doubt as to what might have caused this symptom that causes so much trouble.

A very common concern is: can vaginal itching be a sign of any sexually transmitted disease? Questions such as "when to go for medical help", "what to do to prevent itching," among others, are also frequent.

With that in mind, below are answers to these and other questions related to vaginal itching.

Main causes of vaginal itching

It is noteworthy that vaginal itching can be caused by several factors and can manifest both in the external region of the vagina and in the internal region.

Milca Cezar Chad, a gynecologist and obstetrician at Chad Clinic, points out that symptoms such as internal and external vaginal itching, burning and discomfort to urinate may represent vaginal discharge, with candidiasis being the second most common cause of discharge.

The classic risk factors for the problem, according to gynecologist Milca, are:

  • use of antibiotics,
  • use of corticosteroids,
  • use of combined hormonal contraceptives,
  • gestation,
  • diabetes,
  • stress,
  • immunosuppression,
  • hygiene and clothing habits,
  • allergens,
  • Hot and humid environment.

In short, candidiasis is caused by the fungus Candida albicans that can proliferate in the vagina due to an imbalance of the environment, usually caused by some inappropriate behaviors, such as letting the panties dry in the bathroom rather than in an airy place, spending the day. whole with the same clothes etc.

It is noteworthy that vaginal itching only in the external region is often a very characteristic symptom of an allergic process. The constant use of lycra panties, intimate soap, neatness with abrasive substances such as vinegar and others, can trigger the itching associated with redness and irritation of the region.

Vaginal Itching x STD

Can vaginal itching be a sign of any sexually transmitted disease? This is a fairly common concern among women.

Milca Chad points out that some sexually transmitted diseases, such as condylomatosis (HPV warts), can open the picture with itching in the external region. But is itching more associated with candidiasis? is not considered a sexually transmitted disease?

Itchy Vagina: When To Seek Medical Help?

Milca Chad explains that medical assistance should be sought as soon as possible once the itching begins.

In consultation, the professional, in addition to examining the patient, will likely ask questions that may include:

  • When did itching start?
  • Where exactly is the itch?
  • Is the itching intense (to the point of disrupting your daily actions)?
  • Have you had this problem before?
  • Do you wear tight clothing often?
  • Are you sexually active?
  • Do you take birth control pills?
  • Are you currently using any medication?
  • Do you practice physical activities?
  • Apart from itching, are there any other symptoms?
  • Are you allergic?

Diagnostic tests that may be performed at the physician's request include: culture and microscopic examination of vaginal discharge; pap smear; skin biopsy of the vulva area; urine tests; blood test.

How to treat vaginal itching

Only a doctor can indicate the best form of treatment after diagnosing the problem that caused vaginal itching. This reinforces the need to look for a professional as soon as itching (internal or external) begins to bother.

Gynecologist Milca generally points out that there are several antifungal drugs recommended for the treatment of internal and external vaginal itching, such as ointments and vaginal creams as well as oral pills.

How to prevent vaginal itching

The gynecologist Milca points out that to prevent itching (internal and external) and the emergence of candidiasis it is necessary to adapt hygiene and clothing habits. "It is notorious to prevent and improve recurrence with changing habits such as avoiding wearing tight, synthetic and wet clothing," he says.

"The use of appropriate hygienic products also minimizes allergenic and irritant risks and interferes less with the regional microbiota," he adds.

It is also necessary to avoid medications that are risk factors, as the gynecologist Milca reminds us: antibiotics, corticosteroids, combined hormonal contraceptives.

Keeping an eye on the guidelines, here are some practical tips on how to prevent vaginal itching:

  • Avoid lycra panties, giving preference to cotton ones;
  • Avoid wearing jeans for a long time;
  • Did you go to the beach or pool? Change wet clothes as soon as possible;
  • Do not leave panties drying in the bathroom;
  • Do not stay for a long time with clothing that practiced physical activity;
  • Avoid using colored or scented toilet paper;
  • Avoid the use of bath foams;
  • Keep your genital area always clean and dry;
  • Use mild soap to clean the genital area;
  • If you have diabetes, keep your blood glucose under control;
  • Do what you can to avoid stress and, if necessary, seek professional help.

Now you know what simple changes in habits? mainly related to hygiene and clothing? may prevent vaginal itching. However, do not forget that your doctor should be contacted if the rash bothers you. Only a professional can indicate the best form of treatment according to the particularities of each case.

What causes vaginal itch? (April 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
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