
Since its inception in 1983 by the French Illouz, liposuction has made great technical advances, becoming safer and less aggressive.

Originally created by the introduction of large-caliber cannulas used for fat aspiration, the technique often led to the production of irregularities, nodulations and large bruises (purple). This was because a thick cannula? the fat roughly and with much trauma to the fatty tissue.

Over the years, the cannulas were thinning more and more, which helped to minimize surgical trauma.

Associated with the use of local anesthetics and epinephrine, intraoperative bleeding was also minimized, as was the need for the use of large amounts of general anesthetics, as local anesthesia greatly reduced the painful stimulus.

The smaller the trauma, the less the bleeding, the better the recovery, the shorter the period of absence from daily activities, the greater the safety of the surgery. Thus, liposuction was becoming more popular, for having better results and greater safety.

However, in my opinion, the biggest advance of liposuction was the introduction of vibratory mechanisms in the cannulas. With the cannula vibrating as it enters the fat, the trauma to the fat tissue is much smaller, which can be proven with less bleeding, less postoperative pain, faster recovery and less chance of irregularities. This type of mechanism has come to be called vibroliposuction.

After first doing vibroliposuction, I have never done traditional liposuction again! Of course, the result of the surgery is still in the hands and experience of the surgeon who manipulates the cannula, but undoubtedly vibroliposuction has made the surgeon's life easier and the patient's recovery!

Vibroliposuction "Vibe" Procedure Video and Explanation - Dr. Bill Johnson (March 2024)

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