What is the ideal floor for each environment?

When choosing a different decoration stage for each environment, it is important to define the color of the walls and the floor type to be used so that these elements will eventually set the tone for the rest of the composition.

To decide the type of flooring that is best for the different rooms of the house, you must first divide it into three areas, namely: intimate area, social area and wet areas, which include the kitchen, bathrooms and laundry. This division allows one to observe the characteristics of each area, considering factors such as the greater or smaller circulation of people, the action of natural phenomena such as sun or rain, the risk of fat and the use of specific cleaning materials. , among others.

Start by defining the purpose or purpose of each environment. In general, intimate areas receive floors more cozy, while rooms like the kitchen, for example, receive applications that make cleaning and maintenance more practical in everyday life. Given the first step, follow our tips to make no mistake in floor choice.

Cold floors

Coatings such as ceramics, porcelain tiles and tablets (whether made of glass or even ceramic) are considered cold floors Therefore, its use is indicated mainly in wet areas, since its cleaning is easy and requires little care. This type of floor deals well with water and dirt and does not suffer major damage over time. Choose a pattern of neutral colors and soft textures, thus preventing your home from turning out to look "old"? soon.

Take also into account the climate of the place where the residence is. Warmer climates? Cold floors also in the other areas of the house. In this case, opt for laminate floors.

Be careful when choosing the kitchen floor: give preference to one that does not absorb fat, thus avoiding the appearance of stains, which make the floor look old or dingy.

For the outside, feel free to use the most varied types of stone, or other materials that are weather resistant and preferably non-slip.

Warm floors

The warm floors They are the ones that allow greater comfort to move barefoot and that reflect a touch of intimacy and warmth. That's why they are often used in both intimate and social areas.

Wood is a good example of timeless flooring, but if this is your choice, try to use certified wood that harms the environment less.

Can wood be applied as planks? fixed with nails or screws? or smaller clubs? glued directly to the floor. To ensure durability, the floor should be sanded and varnished after installation. Careful cleaning should be more thorough than with cold floors, but the result is always rewarding.

Carpets have a quick installation and are the option that guarantees better results if the idea is to feel cozy. However, this type of flooring can aggravate respiratory and allergic problems by retaining a large amount of mites and being difficult to clean.

Remember that the floor is responsible for much of the look of the environment. Analyze the alternatives and choose the one that best fits your needs. The combinations are numerous.

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