Woman loses 114kg after knowing that overweight could cause death

For some people, losing weight is much more than simply an aesthetic issue, but a health issue, or, in more extreme cases, life or death. That's what happened to Cambridge's Charmaine Wilkinson, who at 34 knew she could die before she was 40 if she didn't lose weight. Her doctor told her that if her weight continued to increase, her bones would disintegrate and she would have only five more years to live.

The news caused her to change her lifestyle and within a year, after undergoing surgery, managed to lose more than 100 kg. My health was deteriorating. I was short of breath and had difficulty walking. Did I look like I was an old woman?

She says she began to gain weight after the birth of her children Maison, 13, and Poppy, four. During the day I was very busy taking care of them, eating dinner late, and eating mostly junk food and soda.

Through Facebook, she maintained a page where she updated about her weight loss and says seeing the difference in a few months was amazing and made her feel better.

Engaged for 11 years, she will finally realize the dream of marrying partner Mike Faulkner. “My engagement ring didn't even fit my finger anymore! And the thought of not being able to marry or see my children grow up was devastating? She says about her decision to lose weight. “Now my fiance and I can set the wedding date. I feel like a new woman and can't wait to try on the dresses ?, celebrates.

Via Daily Mail

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