Women need more sleep to maintain good mood in the morning.

A study on the sleeping habits of 210 people, conducted by Duke University (North Carolina? USA), points out that women get in a bad mood in the morning if they don't get enough sleep and become grumpy and hostile. The hormonal difference makes women need more sleep time than men, and those who slept the same amount of time kept their mood considerably more pleasant than theirs.

Sleeping badly for women involves some problems such as depression, tiredness, distress, hostility, anger and even makes them more susceptible to heart and psychological problems. These symptoms were measured according to the sleep routine, which consisted of analyzing how long it takes to fall asleep? one of the most important factors? how many times you woke up at night and how many hours you slept in total. These data together can show whether a woman sleeps well or not and if that sleep is enough, and is also noted by the morning moodiness. All these symptoms do not appear in men, and in cases of health problems, their rate is much lower.

And you, what do you think? Does getting a little sleep give you a bad mood or is that not a problem for you?

How To Stay Awake - Works Every Time! (April 2024)

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