Women prefer fun men, says survey

A warning to all grumpy men: Women have been shown to prefer good humor and fun over face-setting when choosing a partner, even if it's something casual at the club. The Pennsylvania State University explains that in its research the characteristics? Sense of humor ?,? Being fun? and? playful? are respectively the second, third and fourth placed on the list of 16 priority traits when choosing a man to date.

Why this is explained by one of the leaders involved in the research, Garry Chick, who says women choose partners based not only on their appearance but on their personality, which may indicate whether the man will be a good partner and father. The humorous represent someone less aggressive and more likely to play with children, important factors for women. This is due to the natural inclination to look for a breeding partner instinctively, even if the intentions are not consciously.

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