Yellowish Discharge: Know the Causes and Treatments

Vaginal discharge is a problem that bothers many women. This is the popular name for increased vaginal discharge, which may or may not be a clue to a gynecological problem.

First, one must keep in mind that not every vaginal flow implies an illness. Physiological secretion is normal and may vary according to hormonal, menstrual cycle, organic and even psychological influences. The cervical glands produce a clear, fluid, odorless mucus, and these secretions can become white or yellow in contact with air.

But if you notice a change in the color of normal discharge, this may be a sign of a gynecological problem. When a factor is out of balance, inflammatory processes are common, and discharge indicates that there is an infectious process in place.

In general, yellowish vaginal discharge appears to be associated with other symptoms such as itching, burning and feeling of discomfort. If you notice any change or presence of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical help.

Causes of Landslide

Dr. Alessandra Bedin of Albert Einstein Hospital explains that if discharge is physiological (premenstrual period, pregnancy, hot weather), secretion is nothing but a natural defense of the body, so it needs no treatment. .

There is also the possibility of local trauma (after sexual intercourse, for example). In this case, the need for treatment varies from case to case. As each situation is particular, it is essential to consult a gynecologist whenever you notice any change, whether in color, smell or flow of vaginal discharge.

If the problem is truly pathological, there may be several causes: transmission through sexual intercourse, low immunity, tight clothing, and lack of local ventilation, among other factors.

Most common issues

In the case of yellow discharge, the most common problems are bacterial vaginosis. It is an imbalance in the normal vaginal flora, with a decrease in lactobacilli concentration and a predominance of one species of bacteria over others. The problem does not always have symptoms, but is usually characterized by yellowish, white or gray vaginal discharge with unpleasant odor, burning urination and itching. This is not a sexually transmitted infection, but can be triggered after intercourse in predisposed women.

Another very common cause of yellowish discharge is Trichomoniasis, an infection caused by a protozoan that has humans as its only host. In men, the problem is usually asymptomatic, while in women it usually causes abundant yellow or greenish-yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor. Inflammatory symptoms in the vagina, such as redness and burning, are also common. Its transmission happens through unprotected sex.

Finally, vulvovaginal candidiasis is another very common problem that may have yellowish or whitish discharge. The disease is a genital infection caused by enlargement of a fungus that is part of the normal flora of the female intimate region. Symptoms usually appear when immunity is low and, besides discharge, symptoms include severe itching, burning and irritation of the genitals.

How to avoid the problem

Dr. Alessandra gives some tips on how to avoid the problem:

  • Avoid clothes that are too tight and thick in the heat.
  • Give preference to cotton panties over synthetic ones.
  • Sleep without panties.
  • Avoid using too much soap on the spot.
  • Do not do vaginal douches.
  • And most importantly, always use a condom.


If even with the preventive measures the yellowish discharge appears, consult your doctor. As the problem can arise for different reasons, it is impossible to need proper treatment without a medical diagnosis.

Among the most common forms of treatment are oral medications, antifungal creams and ointments, and antibiotics. Doses and remedies are specific to each type of problem.

Abnormal Vaginal Discharge - What You Need to Know (April 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
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