4 Cooking Secrets From Other Countries to Stay Fit

Spare no effort in finding tasty dishes that can help you lose weight in a healthy way? So you need to know these foods, eaten in other countries, tasty and full of beneficial nutrients. Check out:

  1. India
    Turmeric, which gives the yellow color and spicy taste to the popular Indian curry, can have benefits beyond its exoticism: it is characterized by aiding in fat burning. A study by Tufts University found that curcumin, an ingredient contained in turmeric, can inhibit the spread of fat tissue by inhibiting the growth of new vessels. One more reason for you to use this delicacy in your dishes and surprise everyone!
  2. France
    That French women, in general, have slender bodies, we already know. But what many do not know is the reason why they achieve such a feat. It turns out that the French do not skimp on buying fresh, seasonal vegetables. Vegetables have a captive presence in French dishes, and the habit makes French diet one of the healthiest in the world.
  3. Japan
    Japanese food is known worldwide for its low calories and healthy ingredient content. But for us westerners, it is difficult (and sometimes expensive) to consume fish, green tea or seaweed foods. But a good tip, widely practiced in Japan, is to consume each food separately. This way you eat less. Japanese also eat smaller plates and thus eat less than Westerners in general.
  4. Burma
    The Burmese do something totally different from what we Brazilians do: they serve meat as mere accompaniment. In many Asian countries, including, meat is only a small part of the meal. This is often due to the economy, as meat is more expensive in this region. This habit can eliminate good amounts of fat, calories and bad cholesterol.

Why Japanese Are So Thin According to Science (May 2024)

  • Good shape
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