Candy Lipz: The Secret of the Luscious Lips of the Famous

Though only 17, Kylie Jenner, the newest piece of the controversial Kardashian-Jenner clan, already prints magazine covers and carries millions of followers on their social networks.

Not unlike the family, the teenager is a controversial target. The main thing that comes with Kylie these days is the size of her lips, which has increased considerably in recent years.

During the various speculations that the young woman had filled the lips, Kylie always argued that the secret of the mouth was only the specific pencil lip contour, but according to dermatologist Dr. Samantha Enande, it is impossible to achieve the size in question only with makeup .

From further searching, it turned out a more likely hypothesis than what Jenner's trick might be: Candy Lipz.

Is the product in question a? Sucker? to the lips, which promises, with the suction process, to increase blood circulation in the mouth region.

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“It's as if we are constantly tightening our lips. The result is inflammation of the lips, which increases the volume of the mucosa ?, reveals the doctor.

On the brand's official website, you can find Candy Lipz for $ 69.99. On Ebay the product is being offered for values ​​between $ 230 to $ 300, varying between sellers and the country of origin of the product. In Brazil, it is still difficult to find it. But due to the success it has made, possibly soon cosmetics stores will already have the product or similar alternatives.

Does its use pose risks?

Because it is new to the market, its use is still poorly known, as is information about its effects and risks.

According to Enande, the product can, yes, cause health damage. This is because its operation depends on the inflammation of the mucosa of the lips. "We may have blood vessel rupture and bruising," he says.

Also, the suction process can cause pain and burning. The dermatologist's suggestion is that those who want more? Fuller? Lips? Also look for alternatives to achieve the effect. One example is hyaluronic acid: "When used by a doctor, there are fewer health risks, no cracks in the area and no pain."

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A health advantage is that the effect of Candy Lipz is temporary. Its duration is only a few hours, but may vary according to the time of application and the type of skin in question.

It is essential, before betting on the product, consultation with a professional. He will be able to evaluate your skin, give more guidance on the process, its advantages and risks.

How to use Candy Lipz

Using the product is easy as it does all the work on its own. To begin the process, the idea is to fit the lips into the material so that the mouth is completely inside it. Put it already doing the suction with the lips. To aid in? Adherence? From the mouth to the product, use a lip balm in and around the mouth before you start.

The application time is at your discretion. The longer the suction of the vessels, the larger your mouth. Check out the video below and understand the application step by step:

Alternatives to Fuller Lips Without Candy Lipz

You can use some makeup tricks to get your mouth on Kylie Jenner style. They won't make your lips much bigger, but they can offer you a beautiful mouth with a very natural effect and no need to suffer from the use of the mouth-sucking product.

Also read: 6 Secret Tricks From Beauty Professionals Revealed

Watch the videos below and get inspired by the tips:

Luscious Lips by Camila Coelho

How to have carunods lips by Julia Forti

How to Increase Lips with Makeup by Alice Salazar

With the techniques it is possible to considerably increase the volume of your lips when you want to have a more dramatic effect on make.

The famous lips of Anne Curtis (May 2024)

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