Zika virus: another disease transmitted by Aedes Aegypti

Dengue is already well known among Brazilians, unfortunately, has already affected many people, from all age groups in various cities of the country. Especially due to the high incidence of the disease, most people know that it is transmitted by Aedes Aegypti. However, what not everyone knows is that the mosquito can still transmit other diseases.

Zika virus is an example. The disease has symptoms similar to those of dengue, such as fever, headache and redness.

Jaime Rocha, an infectologist at Lavoisier Diagnostic Medicine, points out that the Zika virus was diagnosed in Brazil with few confirmed cases in Bahia and Rio Grande do Norte. "But there are over 1,200 suspects," he says.

The infectologist explains that in the world, the first diagnoses of the disease are from the late 1940s in Uganda, in a forest called Zika. "Because it is not a notifiable disease on the African continent, and because it is self-limiting (it has a limited and determined period), the actual numbers about the disease are not known," he says.

What is Zika Virus?

Rocha explains that the Zika virus is a virus of the family Flaviviridae, the same family to which dengue and yellow fever virus belongs, among others. ? Its transmission is made by the same vector, mainly Aedes aegypti? which can also transmit dengue fever, yellow fever and chikungunya. There is also a single report of sexual transmission of this virus ?, he says.

Read also: Dengue: Myths and Truths About Disease

Symptoms of the disease

The infectologist explains that the condition is nonspecific with fever that lasts from 3 to 5 days, accompanied by rash (redness) by the body, headache, joint pain and conjunctival hyperemia (conjunctivitis). "This picture is usually benign and self-limiting (has a limited and determined period) and can rarely complicate," he says.

Rocha points out that there are usually no complications, "but Zika co-infection in association with dengue or chikungunya can lead to complications that are not yet known."

As with other diseases (dengue, chikungunya), people of any age or gender may be affected by the Zika virus, but symptoms tend to be more intense in children and the elderly.

The disease has an incubation period (time between contamination and onset of symptoms) of approximately 4 days and symptoms can last up to 7 days. It is also worth noting that there is no associated death record.

How is the treatment done?

Rocha points out that there are no specific treatments. "The treatment is purely symptomatic," he explains.

Read also: Chikungunya: Disease is similar to dengue but rarely leads to death

Generally, treatment is based on the use of acetaminophen for fever and pain. There are no vaccines against the disease either. The recommendation is to see a doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear.

How to Avoid Zika Virus

Rocha points out that there is no vaccine against this virus. "Fighting the mosquito is the main way to avoid it," he says.

"Importantly, by fighting only one mosquito we will be fighting four diseases." dengue fever, yellow fever, chikungunya and Zika. The forms of personal protection are also valid: musket screens, repellents (must contain DEET concentrations greater than 50% or picaridin) ?, adds the infectologist.

Here are some general prevention tips for fighting the Aedes aegypti mosquito in or near your home, as well as personal protection tips:

  • Use repellent;
  • Wear long-sleeved pants and blouses (in places where you are most prone to stinging);
  • Use mosquito screens on windows;
  • Keep the water box tightly closed;
  • Do not accumulate containers in the yard;
  • Do not throw trash on wasteland;
  • If you are storing or have old tires at home, cover them and put them in a place protected from rain.
  • Check that the gutters are not clogged;
  • Put sand in the potted plant dishes.

Zika virus x dengue

Rocha explains that the main difference is that dengue fever can complicate with the hemorrhagic form. "There are four known types of dengue (DEN1, DEN2, DEN3 and DEN4), while there are two known types of Zika," he says.

Also read: 8 Natural Repellents to Protect Your Home from Mosquitoes

"Dengue presents a vaccine in the final stages of research and should be released very soon, and usually has less exuberant skin lesions and conjunctivitis than Zika," adds the infectologist.

Zika virus x chikungunya

Rocha points out that the diseases (dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya and Zika) are very similar, but chikungunya usually has the most exuberant and prolonged osteoarticular pain and disability.

"Chikungunya also has no specific treatment or vaccine," adds the infectologist.

Zika virus x yellow fever

Rocha explains that there is a vaccine against yellow fever that is part of the vaccination schedule in several regions of the country.? Yellow fever also has no specific treatment and this is the disease potentially with the highest risk of complications and death, which can occur in up to 60% of patients ?, he says.

Yellow fever, as the infectologist points out, has a condition with greater liver damage and, therefore, jaundice (yellowish).

Now you have the main information about Zika virus and, above all, you know that by fighting only one mosquito, you will be avoiding four diseases (Zika, dengue, yellow fever and chikungunya).

Dengue and Chikungunya in Our Backyard: Preventing Aedes Mosquito-Borne Diseases (May 2024)

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