10 Things Every Woman Should Do Before She Is 30

The 30 years are a milestone in women's lives, as it is at this age that we are definitely no longer seen as? Young? and we are now seen as "adults".

Of course we still retain our youth, but day-to-day responsibilities mean that we have to act differently than we were 20 years old.

At 30, many of us are already married with children? and those who are not usually suffer from constant demands on their families and often on themselves.

These charges do not mean that we have to follow what others expect from us, but they certainly force us to be firmer and more mature in how to handle expectations.

To reach any age and feel good about yourself, is it essential not to skip life stages? and this is no different at the age of 30.

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So here are 10 things every woman should (or should) do when she is in her 20s so she can reach 30 full and accomplished:

1. Have a healthy routine

Unfortunately, most people notice a decline in metabolic rate after age 30, which ultimately results in weight gain.

It's much easier to lose weight when we're younger, so take the 20 years to eat healthily and get in the habit of exercising. Your body will thank you in the future.

2. Find a hobby

Having a hobby is a great way to connect with yourself and also meet people who share that interest with you.

Have you thought about learning to cook? Take pictures? Flamenco dance? No matter what the activity, having a hobby is an activity that can accompany you for a lifetime.

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3. Invest in your training

It's not impossible to go to college or graduate after you get married and have children, but surely your routine will be lighter if you choose to invest in your training while you don't have those responsibilities yet.

Plus, starting at age 20, you'll have a good time ahead to build your career without being run over.

4. Travel alone

Traveling is a great way to learn about other cultures and ways of life, but it is also a great way to learn more about yourself.

Even if it's just a weekend trip to the beach, just spending time with yourself in a different place will make you know your own company better. Enjoy your freedom.

5. Fall in love!

Maybe this is not the man of your life? or maybe it is, we do not know! ? But being in a relationship is part of life and our emotional maturity.

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It is true that you may end up hurting yourself, but that is also one of the lessons that make us stronger to reach 30 years.

6. Learn to get out of your comfort zone

It's not easy to take the first step toward something completely new and unknown, but keep in mind that you will only evolve from the moment you venture out of your comfort zone.

By experimenting with new things, facing challenges, and accepting to know different truths from yours, you are paving the way for finding innovations in study, work, and personal life without more of it.

7. Engage in a social cause

Find a cause you believe in and try to devote some of your time to it. It could be an animal care NGO, an association of needy mothers or even an asylum: there are a lot of people in need of help.

By donating your time and doing something for those you need, you are doing tremendous good for these people and for yourself.

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8. Have a life plan

At 20, we're still not sure what we expect for our entire lives, but you can get a good idea of ​​what you would like to be doing in the next 5 to 10 years.

If you want to build a career in a multinational, for example, you need to invest in your education right now. If your plan is to start a small business, this is the time to research the market, do an internship and get to know your area of ​​interest more closely.

The future may seem distant, but it comes faster than we think.

9. Learn to love yourself

Even if you are not in a love relationship or feel that you have few friends, you should be aware of their qualities.

No one is perfect, but don't be tempted to devalue yourself to justify a momentary situation. Recognize your good side, work your negative side and know how to forgive and love yourself.

10. Assume who you are and be fine with it

Everyone likes series, but you don't care? Your friends live in the club, but would you rather stay at home? No problem.

Accept your identity, your preferences and your skills. Each person is unique, and your personality makes you a special person. Of course toxic behavior must be worked out, but if you feel confident with your choices, go for it!

A final tip: Are you past 30 and unable to complete all the items on the list above? So know that it's never too late.

You may no longer have so much free time and energy to do everything you would like, but, on the other hand, are you now a wiser, more mature woman? And that also counts a lot of points.

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