10 ways to avoid overeating after training

You are determined to lose a few pounds. Started a healthy diet, increased fluid consumption, started going to the gym? But as she began to exercise, she realized that her hunger had almost tripled!

You are not the only one! Most people comment that they feel hungry right after training. Still others complain of feeling more hungry throughout the day (when they exercised).

But anyway, is this really normal? Do you need to eat more after exercising? What to do not to overdo the food and not put? All to lose ??

Talitta Maciel, nutritionist and coach of the Food Reeducation Space, explains that it is important to understand that even after training, metabolism continues to accelerate and, therefore, it is necessary to replace the lost energies. But it is essential to eat correctly.

Here are some tips to help you avoid overeating after training (and also throughout your training day). It is worth checking!

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10 Tips to Avoid Eating Too Much After Training

1. Don't go training on an empty stomach

Talitta Maciel reinforces that after training, our metabolism continues to accelerate. ? Usually hunger appears within 1 hour after intense training? It is usually normal because there is a waste of energy, so we really need to replace the calories lost in a very healthy way?

But in order not to overdo it, a very important tip is not to go training on an empty stomach, so that in the meal after training the consumption is not excessive.

2. Opt for the right pre-workout foods

Just as it is important to replenish calories healthily after training, it is critical to eat properly before training. It's not enough to eat a little something and think you're ready to go to the gym! (Ideally always follow the guidelines of a nutritionist)

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• To have a good performance during training it is important to be well fed to practice physical activity. Because fasting can lead to weakness, cause symptoms and inhibit calorie expenditure, which will make you very hungry after training and end up eating more than you should? And the feeling of guilt in many situations can appear ?, highlights nutritionist Talitta.

3. Eat well after training

? Feed well? It does not necessarily mean eating large quantities. "It is very important to pay attention to what you eat and how much you eat in the post workout so that the effort is not thrown away, as it can lead to episodes of binge eating," says Talitta Maciel.

The nutritionist explains that the post workout meal is important even for faster recovery and maintenance of lean mass.

• Post-training should prioritize the intake of protein and whole carbohydrates to recover muscle and glycogen stores. Foods such as lean cheeses, fish, natural yoghurt, egg white, quinoa, amaranth, walnuts, grains, flax, chia, brown bread, among others, are rich in good quality proteins and fats such as omega 3, which help the muscle fibers recovering from stress during exercise ?, highlights nutritionist Talitta.

Read also: The best juices for before and after training

4. Avoid certain foods after training

Just as important as knowing which foods are best to eat after training is knowing which foods to avoid during that time.

Talitta Maciel explains that as the body needs to replenish lost energy, it absorbs everything possible if consumed after training. "Therefore, all care with what to eat should be taken," he says.

In this sense, the nutritionist highlights some foods that should be avoided (especially in this post-training period):

  • Foods High In Saturated Fat
  • Fried food
  • Processed foods
  • Chips
  • Cookies
  • Sweets
  • Soft drinks
  • Cakes
  • Sugar and Chemical Rich Cereal Bars

"These foods can hinder calorie burning and slow down metabolism, putting you to lose all effort during training," says nutritionist Talitta.

Read also: Quick and effective lunchtime training

5. Don't fall into the temptation of fast foods or ready meals.

In the post-training period it is essential to still avoid fast food snacks.Say no to the delivery phones not to fall into temptation, and do not buy boxed products, sachets with frozen ones or the "quick ready in 3 minutes". In times of hunger, better not test the resistance, so do not even have these foods at home ?, says nutritionist Talitta Maciel.

6. Eat every 3 hours

It is not enough to worry only about the period after training. It is necessary to eat well throughout the day, thus avoiding overeating (and also after training). An important tip for this is to eat every 3 hours (it can be a fruit, nuts etc.).

7. Bet on vegetables

An important tip to avoid overeating hunger is to bet on vegetables in the main meals (lunch and dinner). Because they are high in fiber, they help give that feeling of satiety.

8. Exchange white rice for brown rice

Another important tip to avoid excessive hunger throughout the day and especially during main meals is to focus on brown rice (instead of white). Because it has a lower glycemic index (ie gradually releasing sugar into the body), it is a great ally in offering a greater sense of satiety.

9. Chew slowly

At every meal of the day? be it after training, lunch or dinner? it is essential to chew slowly and eat as calmly as possible. This habit is very effective in avoiding overeating.

10. Reflect if you are really hungry

Be it after training, or throughout the day (where you exercised), it is essential to think a little before "eat whatever you feel like". Many people sometimes overindulge in food out of sheer anxiety. Before repeating a dish for lunch or dinner, or eating some more food, stop and think, "Is it really necessary or am I already satisfied?"

Morning vs. Night Pre-Workout Feeding

Talitta Maciel explains that those who train in the morning should prioritize pre-workout carbohydrate-rich foods such as breads, cereal bars, simple cakes, fruits, as these carbohydrates are considered simple and will be absorbed faster, releasing energy. for training, avoiding the use of lean mass to provide energy for the exercise period. "So, in some cases, the most reinforced breakfast should be for post workout," he says.

For those who train in the evening, dinner before exercise should be evaluated. "A heavy meal is not a good choice as it can overload the body and affect performance," explains nutritionist Talitta.

Ideally, before training, consume a carbohydrate source to preserve energy sources and, after training, eat a diet containing protein and carbohydrate sources for the recovery of energy stores and muscle fibers. This can be done through a non-industrialized shake or dinner itself with lighter options to avoid feeling heavy and feeling sick during training ?, says nutritionist Talitta.

Below nutritionist Talitta Maciel makes some pre and post workout nutrition suggestions:

Pre workout

Suggestion 1

1 banana +1 tbsp oat flakes +1 teaspoon organic honey

Suggestion 2:

Shake: 1 cup strawberries + 1 tbsp oat bran + 180 ml skimmed milk

Suggestion 3:

2 slices brown bread + 1 tbsp unsweetened peanut butter + 1 tbsp white sesame

After training

Suggestion 1:

Boiled quinoa salad + tomato + palm heart + 2 tbsp tuna + lemon + onion

Suggestion 2:

Omelet made with 2 free-range eggs + 1 tbsp flaked amaranth + 1 baked potato

Suggestion 3:

1 nonfat yogurt + 1 tbsp 100% fruit jelly + 1 tbsp sunflower seed

You now have good tips for eating properly after your workout. Always remember that this is a very important diet, but still does not allow overdoing it. Eating well does not mean eating a lot at all, but making healthy choices.

9 Strategies to Stop Overeating (May 2024)

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