Sustainable marriage

If you want to make your marriage not have such a huge impact on the environment, the first thing to keep in mind is avoid exaggeration. Invite only the required number of people, as fewer people means less trash, less noise and less fuel to get to the party. Of course everyone wants to be surrounded by dear people and receive a lot of affection on this date, but it is essential to also think about the trail left for this event to happen.

A good option for those who want to have a sustainable marriage It is investing in what is local. Seek to hire services from the city where the wedding will be, to buy products from this place too and, preferably, they are produced in a way sustainable. In addition to investing in the local market, you will be saving the environment and valuing the space and culture of the place. Bet on fresh and organic produce from farmers, they are healthier and more sustainable.

Another tip is to analyze the need for each item purchased and check which ones can be reused after the wedding. Instead of buying the wedding dress and keeping it saved, you might want to rent one. The decoration and the souvenirs can be made with reused material or that can be recycled after the bash.

Site selection is also an important factor in how to organize a sustainable marriage. Try to plan your wedding at a location close to the guests to reduce fuel use and if possible, provide alternative or collective transportation to further reduce the environmental impact of your event. Try to value eco-friendly environments such as gardens and gardens, thus encouraging the conservation of these places and the good practices of cleaning and caring for nature.

Also, wedding invitations don't necessarily have to be printed, right? Making a web page can greatly expand your invitation options and is much more sustainable. Today there are websites with free online wedding invitation and confirmation service, as well as space for photos, testimonials and other things that can further enhance your sustainable invitation.

Also be aware to reduce the noise pollution caused by your party, excessive volume is not good for people and even less for the environment.

The items you put on the wedding gift list are also good reasons for inventing sustainable attitudes. Prefer products that pollute less, consume less energy and take advantage of renewable sources.

These small attitudes may seem insignificant in the face of an event as large as marriage, but combining such a happy day with a contribution to the environment can make this day even more special. And above all, this climate of sustainability at the wedding party It can be inspiring for your guests and thus have much more strength in the fight for the conservation of our planet.

Outdated ideals for sustainable marriage | Oliver Harrison | TEDxUniversityofStAndrews (April 2024)

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