12 Homemade Beauty Recipes With Green Tea

Highly recommended by nutritionists because of its numerous dietary benefits, green tea is well remembered for its weight loss aids. In addition, it is a very healthy drink that brings several health benefits to those who include it in the menu. Experts even believe that this tea can help prevent cancer, especially skin and gastric cancer.

Dr. Michele Haikal, a dermatologist specializing in anti-aging medicine, sheds light on some other rewards the compound can offer. "Green tea is a powerful antioxidant and also helps to disintegrate," he says. In addition, she explains that because it contains magnesium, it "improves the immune system."

If not all of these reasons, when combined with other ingredients, the herb can also be used topically, in homemade recipes or industrialized cosmetics, less efficiently than in tea form, but still very beneficial for skin and hair health.

Recipes for beauty care with green tea

The list below contains 12 beauty recipes that enjoy the actions of green tea and can be safely used unless you have any allergies to any of the ingredients in the blends.

1. Thermal water

Great for hot days or for physical activity, thermal water has a soothing and refreshing effect on the skin. Although this is an industrialized product that can be found in pharmacies and perfumeries in a wide variety of options, it is also possible to adapt it for home brewing and use green tea in its composition, as in the recipe below:

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  • ¼ cup green tea;
  • 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice;
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel.

Method of preparation and application:

  1. Mix ingredients until liquid is smooth;
  2. Store the mixture in a spray bottle;
  3. Keep it in the refrigerator and splash in the desired area when the liquid is already well chilled.

2. Lip Moisturizer

To protect the lips from the sun and prevent peeling of the skin in cold weather, lip balm is a great ally and green tea compounds can further enhance its benefits.


  • 60 ml of green tea oil;
  • 1 ½ teaspoon beeswax;
  • 1 tbsp honey;
  • 1 tbsp avocado oil;
  • 2 tbsp zinc oxide powder.

Preparation of green tea oil:

Also read: 14 Homemade and Cheap Beauty Tricks

  1. Melt a cup of coconut oil in a water bath;
  2. Mix two tablespoons of leafy green tea;
  3. Cover the pan and cook for one hour;
  4. When ready, strain the oil and use in the recipe.

Preparation of lip moisturizer:

  1. In a pan in a water bath, mix the 60 ml of oil with the beeswax until it melts and remove from heat;
  2. Add to this first mixture honey, avocado oil and spoons of zinc oxide;
  3. Beat the ingredients with a mixer until creamy;
  4. Store the preparation in a container with a lid and apply it to the lips when it is cold.

3. Anti-swelling Compress

For days when you wake up with swollen eyes and simply washing your face does not soften the tired aspect, caffeinated teas make vasoconstriction, softening the dark circles and puffiness of the eyelids.

Method of preparation and application:

  1. Prepare two sachets of green tea infused with boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes;
  2. Let the tea cool naturally until the temperature is comfortable to the touch;
  3. Wrap the sachets with gauze and apply them over closed eyes.

The time of the compress varies according to the conditions of each person. Ideally, keep the sachets over the eyes until they cool completely, and if the result is not satisfactory, perform the entire procedure again.

It is worth mentioning that tea resulting from the infusion can be consumed normally!

4. Anti Acne Tonic

Because of its stimulating action and sun protection, it is also possible to use green tea in items that help in treating acne or even preventing it.


  • 2 green tea sachets;
  • 2 drops of tea tree oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender oil.

Method of preparation and application

Just mix the ingredients, store them in a spray bottle and leave it in the fridge. The application should be done as a tonic, spraying it directly in place or using a cotton to deposit it on the skin. It is also possible to freeze the diced mixture and use ice to relieve minor bruises and insect bites.

5. Mask to smooth expression lines

Although green tea has no firming action, its antioxidant potential helps slow the skin's aging, and it has "a substance called epigalate-catechin-gallate, which increases longevity," says the dermatologist.

With prolonged use in highly concentrated preparations, such as this mask, green tea can help firm the skin, also preventing the formation of fine lines and even crow's feet.


  • 1 to 2 tbsp green tea;
  • 2 tbsp organic honey.

Method of preparation and application:

  1. Prepare the tea in boiling water and let it cool completely;
  2. Add the honey, stirring until the mixture becomes a very consistent paste;
  3. Apply the mask to the face and keep it for 15 minutes;
  4. Do the removal with cold water.

The solution should be used twice a week at night.

6. Exfoliating & Body Moisturizer

As a common exfoliator, it can be used throughout the body during bathing to remove dead cells. In this case, the biggest benefits of green tea are its fragrance, its stimulating and refreshing action.


  • 1 cup of crystal sugar tea;
  • ½ cup of coconut oil;
  • 1 tbsp of leafy green tea;
  • 1 tablespoon of matchá powder.

Method of preparation and application:

Just mix all the ingredients until they form a very thick and granular paste. The final product should be stored in a tightly closed jar that will not allow air to enter.

7. Face Rinse

At the end of the day, to complete your routine skin care, it may be interesting to apply green tea on your face and enjoy its freshness, which increases the feeling of cleansing.

Method of preparation and application:

This is the simplest recipe on the list, as it only requires you to prepare as much green tea as you can to thoroughly rinse your face. With the tea already cooled, use a towel moistened in warm to hot water to make a compress on the face, which helps open the pores.

With the pores already open, rinse your face or use a cotton to deposit green tea on the skin.

8. Mask to control oiliness

Michele explains that many herbs have a good astringent effect, which helps to control greasiness, and green tea can also be used for this purpose, although this is not one of its best performances and there are other plants that do better. Function.


  • 3 tbsp green tea ready;
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons of rice flour.

Method of preparation and application:

  1. Mix green tea with rice flour to form a sticky but not very consistent paste;
  2. Spread the mask evenly across the face;
  3. After 20 minutes, remove it by pressing for the flour to rub against the skin and exfoliate it.

9. Deep Cleansing Mask

Already well known for its benefits to hair and skin, in this recipe green clay has exfoliating effect, which helps intensify cleansing and prepare the skin for the protection provided by green tea.


  • 2 green tea sachets;
  • 2 tablespoons of green clay;
  • 3 capsules of vitamin C.

Method of preparation and application:

  1. Prepare the tea with an infusion of just one minute;
  2. Put ½ cup of green tea in a container and add the clay, always stirring a lot;
  3. Stick the vitamin C capsules with a sterile pin and add their contents to the mixture;
  4. Using your fingertips, apply the mask over your face by lightly massaging it;
  5. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with warm water.

10. Antioxidant Mask

To prevent the skin from damaging the effects of free radicals that can accelerate cell aging, dermatologist anti-aging medicine Dr. Michele Haikal recommends using green tea in an antioxidant night mask:


  • 3 tbsp green tea;
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin A.

Method of preparation and application:

Each mask mix is ​​sufficient for one application and any left over should be discarded. To make it, simply add the ingredients one by one and mix them together. Before bed, spread the solution over your face with the help of a cotton pad and remove it the next morning.

11. Relaxing Foot Climbing

To take advantage of its antibacterial effects, green tea can be used in a foot bath that not only helps to relax the feet after long days, it also exfoliates and softens the skin.


  • 1 cup of coarse salt;
  • 2 green tea sachets;
  • 2 lavender branches (dried or fresh);
  • ½ tablespoon lavender oil;
  • How much is warm to hot water.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. In a large container, mix all ingredients except lavender oil;
  2. Fill the container with hot water? preserving a height limit so that it does not overflow when you are dipping your feet;
  3. Add the drops of lavender oil;
  4. Soak your feet for 20 minutes or until you feel more rested.

12. Rinse to shine hair

To brighten the strands and make them softer and silky, finish a common wash with green tea.


  • 2 green tea sachets;
  • 3 cups of boiling water.

Method of preparation and application:

Prepare the tea with an infusion of about 5 minutes and let it cool naturally. After washing your hair, pour warm or cold liquid through the hair, massaging it gently.

Care needed with beauty recipes

Remember that home beauty recipes require great care, as they can cause skin damage if they are misused or have aggressive components. Therefore it is important that all ingredients are analyzed separately. Lemon recipes, for example, should not be tested, as fruit juice sensitizes skin, making it more susceptible to stains and severe burns.

With regard to this recommendation, all recipes listed here can be used without risk, as green tea offers no danger and brings many benefits to the skin because of its antioxidant and free antiradical action.

However, it is worth pointing out that topical use of green tea does not replace its intake, which brings even more benefits, such as skin cancer prevention; and does not negate the need for daily use of sunscreen or other products recommended by your dermatologist.

Where to buy green tea?

Green tea can be found easily in health food and supplement stores. On the internet, Natue has dozens of green tea products with discounts of up to 30% and prices from R $ 3,80.

Buy green tea now!


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