The best juices for before and after training

Today, everyone knows the importance of physical activity in our daily lives, not only for aesthetic reasons, but mainly because it is related to the prevention of various diseases and also because it is closely linked to our well-being.

Some people take a little longer to start exercising: they often expect a doctor or other healthcare professional to recommend it. Others have been exercising for a long time, as a hobby and also for recognizing the importance of physical activity.

And no matter what activity you choose, the important thing is to escape sedentary lifestyle and find pleasure in what you are doing. And of course, the sooner you start, the better!

But for the results of sports to be really effective? regardless of your goal (weight loss, definition, strengthening, disease prevention etc.)? It is essential to combine physical activity with healthy eating.

? With the beginning of sports practice, usually comes the doubt of what to consume before and after training ?, highlights the nutritionist Vanessa Lobato. In fact, the question may even come from someone who has been exercising for a long time and is aware that healthy eating makes all the difference.

Thinking about this, the professional cites some important foods, which should be part of the routine of those who practice physical activities, besides the recipe of six juices? Great option especially for hot summer days.

Pre workout

Vanessa Lobato explains that, for food before training, the important thing is to prioritize energy consumption for physical activity. "That's why it's interesting to eat carbohydrate foods like potatoes, pasta, breads and fruits," he says.

Thinking about juices, she cites some examples:

Pre Workout Juice 1: one slice of pineapple + one unit of orange pocan + ginger chips.

Pre Workout Juice 2: one unit of lemon + two slices of melon + young lady finger pepper (thermogenic action).

Pre Workout Juice 3: half a unit of beet + half a unit of carrot + a slice of pineapple + ginger chips.

After training

For the post workout diet, explains the sports nutritionist, the priority is the consumption of proteins that will help in the recovery of muscle tissue, such as fish, chicken, lean meats, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese.

Regarding juices, the professional cites some examples:

Post Workout Juice 1: a red fruit dessert bowl + a jar of plain yogurt + top up with water.

Post Workout Juice 2: 300 ml soya drink + one unit of lemon + mint leaves.

Post Workout Juice 3: one unit of green apple + some celery stalks + one tablespoon of finely flaked or powdered quinoa + 200ml of soy drink.

These tips make it much easier to combine physical activity with good nutrition! Both are key to achieving a healthier body and life!

The BEST Post Workout Juice (May 2024)

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