5 Food Combinations You Should Avoid

Eating well in addition to eating a number of healthy meals throughout the day, including foods from different food groups, requires that you know a little about how the body's chemical processes work, as many foods when combined disrupt each other's absorption. of nutrients.

As most people do not have such detailed knowledge of the body, to have food as an ally of maintaining health requires the support of a nutritionist, as these health professionals can indicate which combinations should be avoided for perfect nutrition.

So you don't have to rush to your dietitian to find out if you are making a mistake in combining food, here are five food combinations that, according to Spanish magazine Quo, are not suitable.

1 ? Spinach with cheese

Trying to make spinach tastier by gratinating it or making pizza with spinach may be a good idea in terms of taste but not nutrient absorption, as spinach is one of the richest vegetables in oxalate, a substance that reduces absorption. calcium, meaning the benefit of cheese is nullified. In addition, competition between cheese calcium and spinach iron may occur in absorption, limiting the bioavailability of the two minerals.

2 ? Sugar with creams

Adding too much sugar in cream preparations may not be a good option as it gives rise to an addictive food that has a composition that adds many calories to the diet. In other words, take the amount of sugar light when making recipes such as pavés and eat in moderation the tempting crème brûlée.

3? Cereals with soda

Eating cereals such as corn and rice accompanied by soda is a bad choice because cereals are rich in magnesium and sodium phosphates limit the absorption of this mineral that is critical for the heart.

4? Beetroot with soy

Beetroot and soybeans are two healthy foods, but they should not be eaten together, because beet is rich in oxalates and soybeans contain calcium as well as iron. Both soy minerals are affected by the presence of the substance contained in the beet.

5? Lentils with Milk

This is the oddest and unlikely combination to make, but if you ever want to have lentil dinner, remember not to drink your typical cup of hot milk before bed, because lentil is an iron source, a mineral that is easily affected. by the presence of calcium from foods like milk.

It is important to understand that each food has a complex composition of substances, the possibilities of chemical reactions in the body are numerous and the health status of the person eating the food has a unique impact.

"This is why nutritionists and endocrinologists ask patients for tests before indicating a diet or revealing the need for a certain substance to balance the processes of the body," adds Rio nutritionist Isabella Peixoto.

Therefore, having information about food from safe sources and the support of a health professional is crucial to avoid creating food myths and making poor choices.

Food Combining Diets: Does it Work? | UCLA Center for Human Nutrition (April 2024)

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