How to tell if your fridge is wasting energy

If your electricity bill has been above average in recent months and you have done everything to try to save money but have not found anything wrong with your home, the problem may be in the refrigerator. A very common problem that can cause the value of the energy bill to rise considerably is the wear of the refrigerator door sealing rubber.

Over time, it is normal for the rubber to become old and inflexible. Thus, warm air from outside ends up entering the refrigerator and makes it have to work harder to keep the temperature inside low and therefore need more electricity to perform this task.

Do the test

To avoid wasting electricity and find out if the refrigerator sealing rubber needs replacing, just do a simple test.

Take a sheet of plain paper, attach it to the refrigerator door and try to remove it. If the sheet comes off easily, it indicates that the refrigerator's rubber needs to be replaced urgently.

Knowing that the refrigerator is one of the most energy-consuming appliances, you need to know how to use it the right way. Therefore, in addition to not neglecting the door seal, it is worth following some more tips to save.

Flip Your Fridge and Save with ENERGY STAR (April 2024)

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