Children's Day Activity Tips

On Children's Day, many mothers want to innovate in activities to spend quality time and family fun, but thinking about the activities alone is not an easy task.

To that end, we have listed some ideas for children's play activities so you no longer have to suffer trying to control the little ones as they rush around looking for something to do.

1 ? Manual Activities

Manual activities can be very engaging and offer a unique opportunity for parent-child interaction and rapprochement. As you keep your hands busy you can talk about various subjects and have fun together.

The only downside to handicraft may be that it requires parent preparation for certain activities, such as origami, and also because you need to have the materials at home to put these ideas into practice.

In the end, the work you give is very small compared to the fun it provides. Here are some suggestions for handcrafts to do on Children's Day that you can change and adapt to your family's reality:

  • Do paint with paint, crayons or crayons? every child loves it and you can use themed figures;
  • Make origami in various shapes, colors and sizes;
  • Cut and paste magazine images to make a panel of things kids like;
  • Create your own puzzles with family photos.

The next step is to get the materials for the chosen game and prepare for the fun on children's day.

2 ? Home cinema

Having a family home cinema is sure to be a lot of fun and maybe a lot of mess too. Get the kids together and select some movies to watch. After the movies, role-play to guess which scene it is - you will surely have a lot of laughs together.

In addition, you can take the opportunity to make popcorn from your movie or any other goodies you want to enjoy during the movie. If the money is a little short, this is a great option, because it is much cheaper than going to a real movie theater and you can still be more comfortable and do different activities.

3? Family outing

This is an option for those with children who can already behave well in public and who like to stroll to visit and know different places. You can take the date to take your child somewhere he has been asking for all year and you never had time.

But beware of prices in places like parks and zoos because they can be higher on children's day and also have a larger volume of people. Keep an eye on your child so as not to lose sight of him and arrange the tour before leaving home.

4? Gift Hunting

If you've bought a gift for your children's day gift, prepare a treasure hunt game to find the gift in a fun way.

If your child already knows how to read, write tips for getting your child closer and closer to the present until they find it. If you don't know how to read yet, hide colored papers in place of the tips and as he says the color, you read the tip to him. Say hot? or? warm? as you approach the present and? cold? when moving away from the present.

5? Picnic and / or camping

Kids love picnics and camps. If it's raining, don't worry. Assemble the picnic basket and prepare the sheets for camping in your living room. Surely your children will not mind playing inside the apartment and the fun is guaranteed.

But if it's a beautiful sunny day, why not take the bikes, stuff the basket and go to a park for a children's day picnic? Just beware of the ants so they don't attack your little ones and don't take the food away.

Use and mix our suggestions to create a unique and very special Children's Day for you and your child. A day that perhaps even without a gift does not lose the magic of this very special day.

Children's Day Activities & Games with 660 kids + Baby Shark + ESL Warm up & Wrap Up (April 2024)

  • Children and adolescents
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